Aug 13, 2007 11:20
Wow! I have a lot of things to do. This is technically my last day of summer. ;A;
ANYONE WHO PLAYS RO COMMENT PLZZ BECUZ IT IZ ADDICTING GAME AND MOAR PPLZ MOAR FUN KTHNX. Oh. But you have to have decent grammar, because otherwise you'll probably have a rabid Mizzy on your tails.
I restarted my D/P game. :D I traded my Empoleon, Golduck, and Pelipper to a friend, and then traded them back to my new game. Now I just wish I'd kept my Luxray. Oh well. But, I'm so glad I have a fire pokemon. X_x; I might restart again and get er... the... uh... GRASS STARTER. < < Whatever. I just hate starting out cause you can't run and it's like, "GAAHHHHH." And you waste a lot of pokeballs and useless pokemon. x_x But, my friend got the pichu from my old game, so she was like, "Freaigna;311!!"
OMGOMGOMG YOU CAN BE A POKEMON TRAINER IN SSB:B. <3333333333333 I'll have to master him and become the super l33t pkmn trainer, while Lauren can keep her pikachu, Michael his bowser, Nicky his Marth, and Tim his... like... "must play with every character before we can stop". xD Matt can have Kirby. Fuck Kirby.
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