May 24, 2015 22:18
So, mid week.. I'm thinking Wednesday night? Thursday night? I developed a tootheache. Excruciating pain that has involved all my nerves along the top and bottom of my teeth on the right side, all the way to my ear.
Marcus gave me a benedryl and ibuprphen and I passed out. I slept all of Thursday (or was it Friday, the days are fading together) during the day. Friday night I couldn't sleep. The ibuprofen and benedryl wasn't helping. Swishing my mouth with coconut oil and a drop of tea tree oil wasn't helping. I started sticking a q-tip in my mouth with a drop of clove EO in my mouth at the tooth to help numb it. Helpful, but sleeping with a q-tip in my mouth didn't sound smart.
We went to the ER early Saturday morning. I didn't want to go on a Friday night and get bumped for all the stabbings, shootings, and cardiac arrests. By the time we got there around 5am, the place was empty and we were admitted right away. Yay. The ER isn't able to extract because they are doctors, not dentists, so they gave me some percoset and a script for cephalexin and oxycodone/acetaminophen. Also a list of low income dentists. I passed out as soon as the pain subsided.
I have to wait till Tuesday before I can call around and see how soon someone can see me, but I also have to wait till Thursday when our IRS refund comes in. Spent our last $20 getting the script, and I couldn't even fill the full amount on the oxycodone. I got 10 out of 25 pills because I couldn't afford the whole thing. I hope it lasts.
Marcus changed jobs nearly three weeks ago, so his first check is on friday. It's been a very poor month for us.
In better news, I start a temp, part time position on Wednesday doing data entry for Cosco for $11. It's for a few weeks. I also forgot to pick up a check from a job with the same temp agency back in February. I forgot to pickit up, but I also forgot to fill out the paperwork. I worked about 20 hours, so I have that coming in as well. Paperwork was sent to their corporate, and waiting for them to cut the check.