Life has been extremely difficult juggling around with a new job in a start-up, sister's marriage discussions, my own deep thoughts on relations, leaving out thoughts of higher studies.. and more!
Was telling a friend that no time seems sufficient. Coincidentally was looking at the manual pages of date to extract date in a specific format and tumbled upon this interesting piece of comment:
"Time runs slower at the beginning, faster at the end of a period; for we tend to conceive of periods in terms of time remaining rather than time elapsed, and minutes near the end of a period constitute a greater percentage of remaining time than minutes near the beginning.
Time at the beginnings and ends of periods is generally fragmented. We sit down to read for two hours and spend the first few minutes arranging ourselves in our chairs, stationing our lamps and generally trying to free our minds from the immediate past and burrow them into present concentration. A hundred-odd minutes later our concentration begins to flag. We look at our watches more frequently, stretch stiff muscles, and deal with the anticipation or anxiety which inheres in the activity to come.
It is at the center of the period, distinct from these two extremes but protected by them, that the heart of the activity and the real value of the involvement lie. Two obvious corollaries spring from these principles: (1) In planning ahead we should remember that usable time is at best 80 to 85 percent of total time. (2) Long unbroken periods contain more usable time than do short periods totaling the same length."
.. thats the key.. Long unbroken periods, I really have to keep aside time for all my contradicting demands. Else I would be splitting the entire spectrum into fragments and the effective time on these fragments would be much less than 80-85%
Boy! Days are flying by.. wishlists continue grow! Hope freedom doesn't diminish
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Time and the Art of LivingVery tempted to buy this book, but then where's the time to read!!