Jun 15, 2004 10:50
OK so this past week-end was awesome (well besides the whole working 8 hours on Friday night and getting pulled over on Saturday morning on my way to breakfast, yea that sucked but no tickets so AWESOME!) But Saturday night was awesome! I hung out w/ April since she left me on Sunday for 2 weeks to go to Reno! :( But of course we had fun! Well we went out to this kid's house and I spent some time w/ someone that i've been wanting to spend time with for awhile now and he was totally amazing and honestly took my breath away, but i'm scared that nothing will come of that night. It was the conversations and the stuff he said to me and the little things that he did that just had me amazed. I really like him a lot but am just totally scared to do anything about it b/c I don't want to screw it up or get hurt anymore (b/c what if he doesn't feel the same way about me)... But I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason, and that you should never give up on something/someone that you can't go a day without thinking about.. and i don't know if this sounds psycho or anything but i honestly cannot stop thinking about this person... i think ever since i found out that he had a crush on me in high school (which by the way, i had one on him too then, and now)... at some point in the day i think about him and i'm just totally scared that he probably doesn't feel the same way anymore or something... oh i don't know i'm just being dumb...