Zuko bottoms EVERYONE: The Metrocon report. OMG!DETAILS.

Jul 21, 2008 20:47

The joke behind this is that since I went to Florida for Metrocon, and Florida's kinda at the bottom of the U.S. and I cosplayed Zuko...He bottoms everyone.


So. Metrocon is a fucking sexilicious-bootylicious fantastic-orgasmic, OMG!con. Seriously.

But lets start at the very beginning. A very good place to start(when you read you begin with...? Lol enough Sound of music geekery).

So, the reason i went down to Florida for a con is because of an internet meetup for a forum. A teen titans forum to be exact(Beast boy and Raven shipping forum). So we go for 5 days(the 17th-21st...today). And an interesting note, since Avatar was showing new epiodes all week(well the new one for me would start at Southern Raiders, the ep that aired on the 17th). I was like: sweet, I'll watch it in the hotel room. So we get to the room, and my mom's all like: oh no ocean view(cause it's on a Marina). So she makes us switch rooms. Lol, silly mom. I'm not complaining about the new room, the new room had a fantastic view. I'm just teasing her.

Anyway, so we get to the room, oh...around 6:30-7 PM. Beautiful room, fantastic beds. Like, probably impossible to have sex on(you'd fall asleep) So after we settle in and put the bags down, I turn the TV on to find Nick.

It wasn't there. No nick D: No southern Raiders. No FINALE. D: So i'm like: Oh crap. Which was my exact reaction. But then i start laughing. Because, a fantastic hotel, good pool, huge bathroom, exellent beds, right near the convention center....but no Nick. So i'm like: "Oh geez, this is like something out of family guy. Like Peter would go to some craptastic hotel 10 miles down the road to get nick." And then i laughed hysterically.

But the Con made up for it. By ALOT.


My mom and I ate at this place across the bridge that had a FANTASTIC burger. Cheddar and Onion burger. Cheddar cheese on an Onion roll. It gave a new flavor to the Burger, and it was...AMAZING. Then, walking back to the hotel, we see these signs for a Red bull "Flugtag" thing for saturday. Right after that we see a screen that shows us what it is. It's basically that thing that they push weird floats/planes off of a pier into the water. So. That's thursday.

Oh, and apparently, I got eyed by 30 year old men because of what i was wearing that day(A tank top and shorts. I'm not that booby so...dunno what they were looking at. O.o


So, my friend Sam(from the boards that I actually met last year) saw my Zuko cosplay from AnimeNEXT last month and decided to go as FireNation!Katara, since she's a hardcore Zutarian(I'm an open shipper, personally. Some I ship for the Lulz). And her sister cosplays Firenation!Toph. So, lots of fire nation stuff going on. So my mom and I get there, and get our badges, then we find Sam and Mindy and Chelsea from the forum. And Sam brought her friend...or her sister's friend...either way, her name was Lisa, and she's awesome. We bonded over Mission hill, this old cartoon show. Long story.

So, then, this is where the con makes up for it. There's an Avatar Panel on saturday(i'll get to later), And on Friday AND saturday, there was a Avatar: Tournament of the Elements. Which i found out from Avatar Cosplayers. And if you cosplay avatar, you KNOW not a lot of people cosplay it at cons(unless it's like Otakon maybe). But at this con. Oh my FUCKING god. There was EVERYONE. Every fucking character on Avatar. I'll list it: AANG(bald season 3 one), KATARA(seasons 1 and 3), SOKKA(Piandao, but a variation of it, so it was water tribe Piandao looking), TOPH(season 2 and 3, but i LOVED the season 2 one in the avatar tournament thing), ZUKO(like my costume, but a future version, so Zuko had a Top-knot), Azula, 2 Ty Lees, 2 Mais, 2 Irohs(one made tea. OMFG. I had some), a Roku, Aunt Wu, Yue, The Blue Spirit, Zhao, Hakoda, Swamp Benders, FUCKING FOAMY WHO ACTUALLY FOAMED, The painted lady, SPARKY SPARKY BOOM MAN, A hippie chick(omg awesome), Piandao, Long Feng, Smellerbee, Suki....I can't remember anything else.

So the avatar: tournament of the elements thing was awesome. It basically took place 5 years after avatar ends. And for some reason, people can't bend. So Yue comes out of no where, and is all: "We need one Element to beat the other three in a tournament" So Aang was all alone, LOL. Katara was all: "I want to help Aang" and Yue was all: "SHUT UP BITCH!" So aang could get spirits to help him instead. So avatar Roku came out. And that's when Foamy stood up, looked at Aang, looked at Roku, and Foamed at the mouth. Like for serious. Someone had to clean it up. And the painted lady. So then they had drums going during all the fights. Then when...someone was fighting someone else, the blue spirit comes out. And Zuko's all like: *points at self* Isn't that supposed to be me? And then The blue Spirit takes off the mask, and it's ZHAO. FUCKING ZHAO. OMG. That guy looked like fucking Hugh Jackman. I fangasm'd.

So, more battles later, You get the feeling Yue isn't who she says she is. And she wasn't, she was Azula. And i forget what happened after that, but then they were all, "COME TO AZULA'S FIRE SHOW LATER!" I'm like: WHAT? AVATAR? FIRESHOW? So there. So Zhao comes up to me and is all panting and angry and shit and comes RIGHT UP TO MY FACE and is like: JOIN OUR NATION! And i can't think of anything to say, so i'm like:...ZHAO. BREATH MINT. But he held his character, so props to him. Sam(Katara) waved at Hakoda and was all: Daddy! And that Hakoda was awesome.

Oh, So since Sam is a hardcore Zutara shipper, she made me do poses. I bottomed, as a true Zuko does. It was Lolarious. I have no pictures right now though.

Anyway, so later we remember that Greg Cipes(the Voice of Beast boy) is at Metrocon, so we're all, OMFG, LETS GO. So we do, and meet him(sounds just like Beast boy), and his band, awesome band, btw. We saw them later that day. I bought a ton of merchandise from them. And got a poster and shirt signed by the band. YAY. :D

Greg Cipes is Fucking hot.

Later, Hakoda's walking by, and Sam's like: DADDY, COME HERE! Sam and I were preparing a little thing for Hakoda, I was gonna propose to Katara in front of him. Which we did. And he was all, "Are you worthy enough for my daughter?" and I'm like: "Yes i am!" He takes a step forward with his spear, "Then you shall have to fight me" I just ran and went: "SCREW YOU, BITCH" and sam laughed.

OMG. I'm such a ho, i kept making Yo momma comments to Sam. I'm like: "Katara's mom, has got it goin' on....oh WAIIIT." And, "GO CRY TO YOUR MOM KATARA, OH WAIT."

OMG, best thing ever: Sam runs into the men's room screaming: "I'M A MAN" but then runs back out, head down. So we're all like: wtf, mate? Apparently, when she did that, some guy was using the urinal. And she saw his penis. And he was all: O.o?

Anyway, the fire show on friday i didn't get to see much of cause we got there late. So, ONTO SATURDAY(there was a rave Friday, but we didn't go). But before i left, i met some awesome peeps. (One girl's name was Raquel. BEST FUCKING NAME EVER. And i thought she was older than me, but she was only 15. I lol'd when i found out.)

CATURDAY. I mean Saturday

Ok, Saturday, Pretty much the same awesomeness as friday, so I'll talk about my adventures in the Dealers room for all three days here.

So i bought a TON OF SHIT. Like seriously. Zelda pins, Kingdom Hearts necklaces, a shirt that said "Don we now our Gay apparel" in rainbow letters.(bought it cause Christmas is awesome, and I'm bi like that, so.). And HOLY SHIT, A YU YU HAKUSHO WALL SCROLL. *bought*. And there was a Dalek, but it was mad expensive. And I actually bonded with a fellow cosplayer over that Dalek, but more on that later.

I bought the FFXI soundtrack. It's the only one i don't have. And it was pretty Cheap, all things considered.

...I bought the Master Sword. And Lisa wanted me to get the shop keep to say: "Here, it's dangerous to go alone. Take this." But i forgot. And the shop keep thought I looked 14. LOL.

I bought some gifts for my friends(Laura and Venus. You'll get them soon :D. Plus a B-day present for you, Laura, which i hope you like.)

I got Hitsugaya's Captain's Haori(that white thing he wears. Cause i love Hitsugaya and want to cosplay him eventually), one, because it was cheaper than the other ones that were made poorly. Some Nintendo magnets(zelda, mario, etc). Some nintendo Key chains. A Mini Wind waker Link.

OH SHIT. Final fantasy IV FIGURES. Mini ones, but still. FINAL FANTASY FUCKING FOUR. Btw, there were FFIV cosplayers too. I recognized the Tellah. I was like: OMG, YOU'RE FROM FFIV. But i blanked on the name for like 5 seconds. And there was an Edward. But anyway, the figures. I got all six(Cecil, paladin version, Kain, Rosa, Edge, Cid, and Rydia. I have doubles of Kain and Cid).

So later there was the fire show again. Which i saw it in it's entirety. But before i got into detail about it... http://youtube.com/watch?v=0vHlsO_6WSY

That's the hippie i think. But there should be a better quality video up later. Dunno when though.

So before the fire show, i went outside to eat my little snack(skittles and coke, LOLSUGAR). And i met a guy with the Oblivion symbol/Daedric "O" tattooed on his leg(it's from Elder Scrolls Oblivion), so we were talking about that for like 20 minutes an how much replay value the game has(which it DOES. After you finish the main quests, you could be playing that game for a year, thats how much shit is in that game).

Speaking of Elder scrolls, i geeked out after I saw a box of crackers that said "Breton" on it. As Breton is a race of half-elves in the game. So they gave me the box after i asked to take a picture of it.

So anyway, back outside, i met these other people because we bonded over how the Flugtag people were being assholes to the cosplayers(which they were. Apparently, they pushed a 5 year old down the stairs. Drunk assholes). And the thing is, they were drinking alcohol in the con center, which a sign at ALL THE ENTRANCES clearly stated "NO ALCOHOL BEYOND THIS POINT". Some of them made fun of the cosplayers(i ignored them, others antagonized them). Other people where really nice about it though and didn't know what the con center was for and why people were dressed up.

So the people i meet, one of them is an L and i forget what the others were, but we bonded until the fire show, and hung out until they had to leave.

The Fire show:

After fire one the avatar tournament, the characters are all like: lets all bend fire!. So they do. and it was awesome.

It starts off with Iroh going like: Do you know why they call me the Dragon of the west? And he breathes fire. :D

Then there were fire swords, whips, giant ear cleaners on fire(or that's what it looks like. Some type of staff anyway).

Then when Azula and Ty lee go, after a while, Azula's like: You know, this unity thing isn't doing it for me, and starts a fight with Ty lee.

Then when Toph comes on. OMFG. She's all like: "What kind of form is that? A platypus bear form?" *Does a gay dance* and she goes on and on. Then the swamp bender fire bends with the staff thingy against the painted lady. And i forget the rest.

After the fire show, when Zuko mentions Mai, everyone's like: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" And they do. Then the next person was Ty lee, and Zuko put his hand up to his ear, waiting for the same thing. THEN, when it gets to the Swamp guy(who was actually married to Azula in real life....awww), everyone's like: KISS KISS KISS! again, and they did. LOL.

So after that, Everyone gets to meet and greet the firebending avatar cosplayers. So when Zuko's talking to one person, Mai comes up to him and wraps her arms and legs around him. Katara walks by and I'm like: "Katara, what do you think of that?" And She's like: "Well..." And doesn't finish because Toph comes up and wraps her legs around Katara's waist, and I Fangasm and laugh hysterically.

Also. MARCO POLO IN THE CON CENTER. EL OH FUCKING EL. No seriously. That was hilarious. EVERYONE DID IT.

So i bonded with a girl(her name's Emily. Coincidentally, i met a girl named Emily at AnimeNEXT. One Emily per month, LOL). So we talked about Manga, Anime, Super serious stuff, Lulzy stuff(she was cosplaying Yuki on Saturday, and Alice Cullen from Twilight on sunday. to which i Fangasmd. Even though I'm getting sick of Twilight a little, I still love Alice.

So, we were all supposed to go to the rave, but the DJ was late. Like the kind of "Oh my god, I hope I'm not pregnant" Kind of late(1 and a half hours. So 1:30 am). So Sam and Co leave and i'm talking to the Teabending! Iroh and Toph until they leave, and then i go to wait in line for the rave, and i ravebended for an hour and a half. and it was AWESOME. Can't wait for the next con i go to for 3 days so i can rave again. I got back to the hotel at 3 am and just crashed and slept.


Ah, Sunday. Right before Funday.

There was nothing much to do today, so i'm like: "ok Sam and everyone, i'ma go walk around, you guys do what you want to do." Which i did, and hung out with the peeps i met yesterday. Hannah(the L i met on saturday) and her friends had to leave at like 1 pm cause they lived in Georgia. So then i met up with Emily in the autograph line(for Jonny Yong Bosch, Scott Mcneil and Greg Ayres(who i didn't know was a DJ so i'll fan girl about that). Emily cosplayed Alice so i was all, so when was your last feeding? and she was all *Attack my neck*.

Then after the con ended, i went swimming.

OMG, i bought the best art in the artist's alley. OMG. It's just...i can't even describe how funny one of them is.

I want to cosplay Wind Waker Link(mainly because, It's adorable, and because Venus and I want to do a Zelda band. :D)

And i really want to cosplay the 10th Doctor. Like hardcore.

oh, and here's the most retarded part of the weekend.



Con report done.


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