Mar 04, 2025 04:38
I've been thinking for too long and not speaking. I think great thoughts that explain life the universe and everything, and I DON'T share them with people. Now I'm going to give a recap of whats been going on in the world, and a quick solution that we probably should have seen way earlier in the progression of humanity.
Basically, it all began with Sept. 11. Terrorists attack the country and Bush gives his speech declaring that we will perservere. America has perservered everything that it has come by, so I can't say that I didn't believe him, I just knew that he'd be the cause of problems rather than solutions. Now we've gotten to the point where we're supposedly caught up in red-tape, bulking up on military personel around Iraq, all over missles and weapons that both the inspectors and Iraq claimed were non-existent, yet Bush pushes on and on. Now Iraq is claiming it will disarm certain types of missles with the promise of an anti-aggression treaty signed by the US. Like Bush would allow his father's work to remain unfinished... At this point, someone is waiting to push the button, the questions are; who and when.
Not to give it away folks, but it's going to be BUSH. Our coveted leader who brought us through the time of great sorrow, the time when 4-5000 lives were remembered and mourned is the one who will shoot the "shot heard round the world" for the second time. He'll get his way, and Iraq's oil will be his, but what lies in store for the US is a whole other story.
America has become a gritty grey sidewalk paved hell hole where the only dream in America is living the American Dream of Apathy. People want their 2.5 kids, their home and their SUV's, and most importantly; they never want to be bothered with making decisions. That's why our drug policy is so ridiculous. Politicians feed gullable voters false links and accusations against certain plants, just so that way the government doesn't have to worry about the Hemp Revolution. Hemp would kill capitalism. Therefore, pot is illegal, and those caught smoking it get horribly drastic fines and punishments.
How could all of this relate to religion we all wonder? It's actually quite simple. Early in Christianity, baptismal rights were performed using Cannabis Oil. The exact recipe called for what was called "kaneh-bosm" in Hebrew, translated to the heads of the Cannabis plant. Welcome to Christianity, and the "Spirit of God", (you wondered why Jesus sounded like such a hippy...). Then the prophets, all seeing different visions, eating so-called "scrolls" that turn sour in their stomach... Perhaps mushrooms and hallucinations were the gateway to truths not yet to be? Perhaps they still are... There are those who claim that pot, mushrooms and a few other drugs have expanded their realm of perception to certain things. Even though this may be stated in a burnt out daze, these people may actually be speaking the truth. What if God did exist? What if God not only existed, but provided for us with everything we'd ever need to have a generally carefree life? What if there was a plant that you could build houses out of, make clothing out of, make rope out of, use as fuel, and all the while grew faster and more abundantly than cotton? OH WAIT!!! THERE ALREADY IS ONE! The key to a prosperous civilization is establishing a system where everyone's needs in life are given to them without ask for taxes, mortgage payments or any other capitalistic venue. Housing, clothing, heat, food and transportation are all accounted for pro-bono, for the rest of your life before you're even born. After everyone has these basic worries out of the way, they are free to take on responsibilities and positions that they actually want to assume. For once, people can be driven by pure motivation and love of their profession rather than just because they "have to work". Some will make enough spending money by picking up trash, others will make enough by performing brain surgery. Obviously the brain surgeon wins in money awarded for his profession because it's harder and takes longer to learn. The trash man doesn't complain though because he knows this too. All the while, they're both content already with their living status, so anything more is for fun times and any extra luxury beyond the basics. The salary cap in this world is 25 million a year. Get to it as fast as you want, but once you're over, the rest cycles down and gets used to produce more housing facilities and cover more expenses for those that will be brought into the world. No longer will we complain about apathetic people that contribute nothing to society, because they choose not to have more than we are all already given. If anything we'll pity them for their laziness, and hope that they'll find their niche' eventually.
All of this and more, through the wonders of marijuana. You may ask though, who do you think you are questioning the essence of everything that humanity has accomplished since the dawn of time?
My response is simply I am who I am. You all know me, and you know my judgement to be fair and true. If anything a sugar-coat reality too much because I hate giving people bad news... Well, that time is over. Everyone brace yourselves, you're in for some bad news...
OUR COUNTRY IS SCREWED. I as the silent observer have noticed the corruption, deceit, wealth and power that runs the lives of most every person that walks the planet. Not through individual choice, but by the corporations and business that we created. Our lives are controlled by a system that sets us up to fail. We live in debt for our entire lives, trying to balance money that's usable between that which goes to taxes, mortgage, car payments and of course, our favorite of all, INSURANCE.
What kind of creature is so insecure about the quite real, quite forseeable experience of DEATH? The fact that we actually pay money for dying is outrageous and just further proves that our species has recoiled in fear and grabbed every seemingly stable way of doing things, and never let go. Because we fear, we hold on to the routines which we know, which have caused us nothing but war and turmoil for hundreds of years. What I speak of is CHANGE.
Yes folks, change is on its way. We can all see it, riding the tides of war that wash up empty missles found in Iraq that somehow still count as weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, since Iraq's weapons of mass destruction could possibly be used against us, we automatically are granted permission to bomb the hell out of them. Not to mention sending in thousands of ground troops. Bush is starting something that he's not going to finish. There is going to be a time when all of us must ask ourselves, " Is this the life that I want to live 20 years down the road?" The sooner you develop an answer for that question the better it is for humanity. I for one know that what I want is what I described before, in conjunction with other logical policies that will stomp on the possibility of corruption. If everyone knows how much money is going to who for what, then no one could be bribed by high figures. For those who may be easily bribed for high figures; is it better to live your life in utter luxury forever, or is it better to help a community grow and prosper? If you made enough to support yourself and still have plenty left over for niceties, would you still want astronomical amounts of money? Or would you simply be content?
There is going to be an American Revolution Part 2. Will you join the cause? Will you have the revelation that inspires revolution, which leads to joy and prosperity for all? It starts in each individual. Use your right to bear arms and stand defensively; not only against the foreigners, but mostly from the long arm of the Government. Each person can bear arms thus leaving a loophole for another fight of the People, standing for what they believe in. I tell you now that we are in store for hard times. Be strong and remember my words. When the time comes that you are called upon, either to face the maker or to pick up and stand your ground, do it whole-heartedly. And do it, not for what others want or for what the government tells you, do it for what you believe and what you've learned from your time on this planet. God speed brothers and sisters, we ARE the future.