Don't Tell Mom and Dad...

Jun 19, 2007 16:40

It's funny.  The roles have reversed lately.  When we were young, it was always my sister telling me not to tell my parents something.  Which, of course, I complied with.  These days, I'm the one texting her "Don't tell mom and dad, but..."  The thing is, my parents worry ENTIRELY too much.  Let me rephrase - my DAD is the biggest worrywart of all time.  These days, because I'm studying for the bar, I know he'll freak out if he hears the slightest issue about my health, etc.

#1: I got sick last week. Crazy runny nose, hacking coughing, etc. I didn't call home for a few days because I KNEW they'd hear it in my voice.  I finally call home b/c they'll just worry if I don't call (catch 22) and my mom is like, OMG YOU'RE SICK. Dad freaks out, calls a million times, tells me to go to student health and get antibiotics, etc.

#2: I went to Chicago this past weekend for Peter's wedding. (post w/pics forthcoming!) I told my sister not to tell my parents because I KNEW they'd freak out and be like, WHY ARE YOU IN CHICAGO?! YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR THE BAR!

#3: Disaster struck last night.  I went to my class at the gym like I do EVERY DAY.  I have been doing these classes for at least 8 years now. I have NEVER injured myself. Not ONCE. *sigh*  I was thinking about a highly frustrating situation as I was on the Bosu (BOth Sides Up - it's this contraption that looks like a ball cut in half so the flat part is on the ground and we do stability exercises, etc. on it) doing this up up down down running thing.  Lo and behold, I feel my foot step wrong onto the ball, my ankle curls under my leg and in slooooowww moottiooonnnnnn...I go tumbling to the ground.  My ankle automatically swells up with a little green golf ball sized lump and I'm gripping my leg til it turns white in shrieking pain.  HOW EMBARRASSING.  The Penn Rec ppl come and give me this ginormous bag of ice, I sit there with it elevated for awhile and then attempt to stand.  Ooh. Bad idea.  They call for Penn Transit to come pick me up and they REFUSE. WHAT?! I pay how much in tuition AND for my gym membership and you can't drive me because it's only 3 blocks away and I'm not on the handi-van list?! They finally conceded after a bit of commotion and dropped me off in front of my building. I still can't walk on it and there's quite a bit of swelling going on. But it has gone down since yesterday.  I think I'll give it one more day before I go to student health for x-rays. I don't think anything is broken though...

Anyway, my sister texts me with "punch punch, cross cross, jab jab, haha" b/c she knows I'm usually in my gym class at 6:15 and I respond with, "Don't tell mom and dad, ankle looks like a baby balloon." She's like "WHAT THE HECK. I feel like we're back in high school again!" haha~

PUHAHHAA....I found a picture of the Bosu for those of you who didn't understand my description.  I was doing something like what this asian dude is doing, but I don't quite look like that. HAHAHA...what a great pic.  Imagine my foot landing on the bosu like this dude, then bringing the other foot on top of the bosu, and then coming down one foot at a time. REALLY FAST.  Like, 60 times in succession.  That's what I was doing. I officially HATE this contraption now, btw. UGH.  More than anything I can't even BEGIN to express the frustration I'm feeling right now b/c I can't go to the gym.  I cannot function as a person without going to the gym.
  It honestly makes me really sad.  And hobbling around my apartment like an invalid by myself is pretty pathetic too.

Anyway, the moral of the story - I've gotten to the age now where I don't say "don't tell mom and dad" because I've done something wrong, but just because I don't want them to worry. I feel all growns up...

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