Aaron has been really sweet the past few months. We still fight every once in a while but we resolve them pretty quickly. It seems like Aaron's maturing now, and he's learning how to balance his studies with the other aspects of my life, which includes me, of course. Nowadays, despite having exams to study for, he still manages to send me random messages occasionally or give me a quick call over FaceTime just to chat about ow our day went. I'm really happy he's exerting effort to make himself felt. Before, we used to fight because he wouldn't contact me unless he doesn't have anything else to do.
Aside from the calls and messages, he also brings me out on dates more often. He tries to see me at least once a week - either by paying me a visit at home, or by asking me to meet up with him somewhere after classes for a date. Tomorrow, after his exam for the week, we're going out to have dinner somewhere and then maybe catch a movie. He's really able to make me feel loved and taken care of. I don't feel neglected at all, despite his heavy work load in medschool. I hope this kind of Aaron isn't temporary.
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