Nov 06, 2004 13:16
Wow, this week has been so freakin busy! Tuesday was the only day that really sticks out in my mind cause it was election day and tuesday night after COLADA i went to the movies and saw the movie SAW. And quite frankly i saw more of zach's sweater than the damn movie. It was good though, I enjoyed myself. Finally Friday came around, and it was nice. I went to the MET yesterday afternoon with my crazy professors from Honors 230, and it was an interesting trip. I love the Met, and so I had a lovely time, though we got back around 9:30pm, so it was quite late, and I didn't much enjoy that. But as soon as I got back, my phone was ringing and it was Mr. Justin, how nice! I ended up meeting up with jenny and we went to his appartment, to play poker, though that didn't start till 2:30 or so. Zach came around that time, and Justin's friend Rob was there. I got to justin's around 11:30, and he was cooking a chicken and potatoes, and it turned out to be absolutely wonderful. We played poker till the wee hours of the morning, and then one by one everyone left, and we turned into bed and slept about four hours till he had to get up and go to lessons. I threatened to kidnap him, but i think he needs to pay the bills so I let him go! But it was "splendid" as he would say, that we had a most wonderful time together. He is such a sound sleeper, and its awesome. I'm just a wreck when it comes to sleeping in one spot. His side of the bed is always so neat, and mine is always chaotic- I tend to think it says something about me! AND NOW I HAVE BLACK HAIR!!!! And accoriding to like everyone, i look sexier and more seductive, and I think i'm diggin it! I like it! I cannot wait for a kiss.... i'm waiting patiently, and i think its around the corner, so we'll have to wait it out and see!