Oct 21, 2004 17:43
Okay so Ocotober 20th and 21st are officially the most random days I've experienced this semester. WHO woulda thunk that the Red Sox would make it this far, or that your best friends could sleep together, or that you yourself would run into some very interesting situations? I'm exhausted, and I have to write a paper, I was up the entire night, and returned to central at 3:00PM this afternoon, and I missed an exam and an honors class, tisk tisk on me. Ehh, the red sox only come so far so often, or rather NOT SO OFTEN!! I'm so happy for them, and I'm glad theyre goin to the series! As for this paper, I cant even read straight because i'm so damn tired, but i have to get this done, I just have to get it done!!! I had a very nice evening with Mr. Justin, and I'm glad he is re-kindling his love for baseball through the red sox, its wonderful! Well well well, I suppose its onto the damn paper for now! ADIOS!!!