Oct 24, 2005 18:42
So Like i was talkin to shana on the phone today...seeing how much we got in common..and we got alot its crazy and really cool...i really like her...shes never felt this way twords a guy before..and she means it..hehe...so im gunna try and get to sadies for her..i hope...:) i just need to find a ride and find out what type of clothes i should wear..other than that..im set man..set like a pet ;) hehe...so today..im pretty happy...and i miss shana and sammeh...they are two important people :) espechally sam shes been there for me through lots of shit and i thank her for that..:D i need to pay her back sometime but hey im gunna go...i got some chicken to eat w00t w00t haha...chicken..hey that reminds me of someone...oh yeah..bitch..ew...*eats chicken* thats what i think of that memory..just a filler til i crap it out :D