The Gagarino Venus. Figurine of an obese woman from Gagarino, Ukraine. Height 5.8 cm. Gagarino is located on the right bank of the Don River about five kilometres north of the junction of the Sosna, a tributary stream. Artefacts of bone as well as several "venus" figurines completed the roster of non-lithic material. Photo: J Jelinek, 'The Evolution of Man'
Venus de Elisseevichi/Yelisseevichi (Russia) out of mammoth ivory. The Yeliseevichi site was discovered in 1930 and it is located on the river Sudost, the right tributary of the Desna, in the Briansk Province, Russia.
Kostenki (Kostenki/Kostenky/Kostienki) Limestone Venus. Found at the Russian site of Kostenki in 1988, is by far the biggest such object known from the ice age. The height of the surviving fragment is 13.5 cm (5.5 inches).
Kostienki mammoth bone Venus.
Quite a few other statues from the Kostenki site.
Four small venuses about 15 cm high from the open air Avdeevo site in Russia, dating to 20 000 years BP.
Dr. Olga Soffer: "Because they have emotionally charged thingies like breasts and buttocks, the Venus figurines have been the subject of more spilled ink than anything I know of"