Macdonald, Anonymity, Equality, Humility, Humor

Nov 24, 2008 22:29

Discussions on Practicable Peace, Real world Freedom, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Charles Macdonald.
Anonymity, Equality, Humility, Humor: on the conditions of felicity in collective living
Monday 24 November, 2008
5-6 pm, 355 MFAC
Refreshments provided

What draws people together?
-personal attachment? Friendship?

Conditions of felicity of human organizations
-term from linguist Austen
-M. defines it slightly differently. It’s what makes people want to repeat experience

Philippines - farting is funny

Equality. People engage each other as equals in various ways

Alcoholics Anonymous
-anarchic. No chief, no ranks, no hierarchy
-no qualification of membership - just decide to be part, decide to leave
-began around 1935

What does anonymity mean?
-external anonymity = person doesn’t say that they’re part of AA
-internal anonymity = identification of self by 1st name, “and I’m an alcoholic”. Is important. Shed your social persona at the door. Last name = outside world.

Anonymity / equality = spiritually enhancing
Equality = healing value. Doctor says don’t drink vs former alcoholic saying don’t drink. Need to identify with the person telling you to do stuff

Anthropology of naming. Full name - you’re a member of ranked society

Japanese tea ceremony
-rite de passage, liminal
-people escape daily rank/hierarchy for a few minutes

-often linked with obscenity; prudish anthropologists don’t report it. In western intellectual tradition, serious = important
-have only really looked at the ‘joking relationship’ eg Radcliffe-Brown. Close and far apart, close and distant

what is fun? why did we laugh when he said ‘fuck’? why do people laugh when girl says “why are you not seducing me?” to forbidden partner?

Fun - it creates happiness, sure. Condition of felicity

There’s such thing as invitologists

Human universal - laugher. Human - used as conflict resolution

Inuit song duel - is funny - your joke makes opponent forget his grievance. The point of the song duel is to restore peace, not punishment

-promotes good feelings, anti-bad feelings
-promotes a peaceful society

feasts - Halloween, Maslenica, Roman solstice, etc - reversal, Islands of equality.

farting = ass laughter

we don’t pay attention to each other because we’re closed. Closed non-farting bodies.

grosteque body, opposite of sealed, clean, odorless church body.

public-posted-notes, notes, public-lecture, copied_articles

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