So, I'm copying Amber. What does it mean to be human?
But I think that goals help progression and alongside my summer theme, I think some rules will help. It reminds me of the part in slaughterhouse 5 when they're discussing staying alive in captivity and trying to not lose sight of hope:
"Want to know how we survived? Well, I'll tell you. The day that I was captured, I made a promise to myself: Each day I would brush my teeth, shave my beard, wash my hands and face before each meal, evacuate my bowels with regularity."
There was more to this quote, but I couldn't find it on interweb. It was in the vein that the more and more human-type activities you restrict yourself from, the less human you feel, and those small activities drop out so subtly that in the end, you don't realize at which point you ceased being human, but only that you are no longer so.
Things I've ceased doing that made me feel human:
-carry a notebook and pen with me WHEREVER I go, because i want to be a writer someday.
-read books!
-make my bed every day
-cooking delicious things
-riding a bike
-having the sort of friends you would be sad not to see every day (getting there).
Things I would like to do this summer:
-get really effing strong!
-volunteer/hang out with some critters
-drink beers/dance with people
-hang out with several people I would like to get to know better
-hang out with people I know pretty well
-plan menus/cook deliciously
-work full time and get lotsa dollahs for a digicam
-go on birdwatching adventures
-go on thrifting adventures (new places).
Everyday/things to add to routine
-make bed
-working 9-5 with a 1/2 hour exercise break
-cleaning house
-read before bed
-not watch so much teevee
Things to do today:
print/fill out volunteer applications
work on a weightlifting training system
do thank you cards for graduation
We'll see how things go today; I'm in manhattan, which is sometimes awesome, and sometimes awesomely boring... so far it's ok. I want to nap. I am hella sick.