(Somewhat) yearly physical last week, and the results are in! All the blood work is good, including my Vitamin D which was an issue last time. My bad cholesterol is just a little high - 106 - but that should be countered by the fiber breakfast regimen the doc is putting me on to try to alleviate the discomfort I've been going through for about a year and a half now. Tried and hated regular oatmeal the first day, liked a better quality oatmeal the second day a little bit more, made the lousy oatmeal better with raisins and sugar yesterday, and today tried mini shredded wheat. Not high on the yum yum scale, but tolerable. Hopefully it'll help. Wish there was an easy a solution for Laura's transient osteoporosis, though.
Had a great weekend up north. Some might think us insane for tossing a 4 and 2 year old in the truck and driving 5 hours for a 4 hour bbq, but those people have never hung out with cool people who smoke 188 pounds of meat and fish. It was well worth the trip (the ribs and the fish were just insane) and we had a great time the next day hanging with our friends and having Becky learn a valuable lesson about not pestering animals. She means well, but she won't understand that sometimes pets are done playing for a while, so she got a well-deserved nip from a pissed off dog. No real harm done, and maybe she'll learn. jesus, I sound like a cold bastard, and of course I comforted her when it happened, but it's not okay to, say, drag the cat out from under the couch by a rear leg. Although if the cat keeps tapping on my nose at 4am I might not object as much. I do love the cat, but not so much when it's butting my head and purring in the wee hours. Affectionate little monster.
Last night was a very slow-paced, roleplaying type evening. Duane gave us the run of the town to do whatever we wanted after our big victory so there was a lot of visiting places, talking to people, selling stuff, and so on. Once we got back to the main tavern we realized we were being hailed as heroes, we celebrated and talked to a bunch of people (I figured them for story hooks, but none really developed as much as we met important townspeople. We went on a boar hunt that was sabotaged by the druid, and I had a late night visitor that made my poor nervous sorcerer (who just discovered that the powerful family whose son he killed is also very prominent in this town as well) think he was being set up for a trap and thus crush some poor young thing looking to hook up with a hero (Laura and Kat's characters just about laughed themselves sick. The way Chris is playing his druid is causing some issues - I understand he's roleplaying a druid but he's making it difficult for us to interact with him at all - he doesn't bunk with us, he plays the chaotic neutral aspect to the letter, I almost had to drag him on the hunt just to get him to go - it's a little frustrating. I don't want him to sacrifice his vision of his character, but if we get attacked at night in the inn, he's nowhere close to us. Plus he's not listening to the GM well, as once or twice he asked questions that had already clearly been answered. Still, it was a good time. I don't think we got as far as Duane had hoped, as I believe he wanted us to level in anticipation of next week's session, but we only had one very small fight.
I'm hoping to do a story hour over on EN World for this, but I can't been to get on today and the craziness in the URL leads me to believe they might be under attack.