My daughter will be four on Sunday. We're celebrating it with a party Saturday at Build A Bear. I've never been to a Build a Bear and imagine keeping several toddlers from losing their shit when them make stuffed armadillos or whatever will be a challenge, but the thing to note here is that my daughter is going to be four freakin' years old.
Where did the time go? Four years? Already? I'm doing my best to treasure it, to be as involved with her as possible every day. The time is going to come when she doesn't shriek with joy when I show up, or need me to throw her giggling into bed at night, or put her covers back on at 3:45am. I just wish it wasn't rushing toward us so quickly.
Blew off practice to play last night, as it had been a few weeks. Glad I did. Two of the guys I used to play with often showed up and expressed happiness at being able to game with me, and that's nice. Richard ran a 1-4 for 4 of us - Carmine played an elf avenger; Stephen the rules encyclopedia (who was very cool) had a deva artificer, which was incredibly effective; the guy who had the destructive druid a few sessions back played a new ranger; and I had my dragonborn half-elf paladin who, by luck of the treasure draw, has become somewhat striker-y as well. Not incredible damage, but not bad either and he rarely misses. While we were doing character intros I said that I'm looking for a necromancer who killed the village I grew up in, and described the mark all of his undead have on their foreheads. It's a useless hook that'll never get used in the LFR setting but I don't care, I have fun with it. The GM running the 4-7 game stopped dead and said, "Wow, he's roleplaying."
Regardless, I had fun. I talked us past one fight and through most of a skill challenge (my two most used characters are charisma based, so they have high diplomacy scores and allow me to do most of the talking - coincidence? My wife thinks not). in the combined final battle we took out a gelatinous cube in a single round, much to the dismay of Richard, who had to spring the rat swarms after the deed was done. And, in a move that would surely make
viking_cat proud, I actually attacked a wererat with the somewhat tame carrion crawler I had around my neck (LSS - it was an NPC's pet and I'd carried it as a gesture of goodwill - when the NPC ran at combat I still had it, so I used it). I missed (of all the times to roll a 3) and the ranger who was throwing spiked chains (if I was GMing he'd have a fumble penalty and a change to hit his allies on a miss, but that's me) insisted on heaving one out of a pit to kill the guy off before I could use Fluffy again. Good times.
In addition, I posted on enWorld my desire to try running a mod despite my lack of experience and received a great deal of support. This was echoed last night as my suggestion was met with eagerness - one more judge means one less time they have to run. So after Nationals I'll go in on a Tuesday or something and prep the mod, and run on a Thursday (although my wife, sensing my wistfulness about all the Thursdays I'll be missing for rugby, offered me to go play on Sunday nights - how sweet! Although to be fair, we both like a little time to ourselves at home. Hell, I haven't fired up the PS3 in two weeks!). new or not, the players will have to sing for their supper - none of this, 'Okay, I roll diplomacy' crap - let me hear it! Bonuses applied for good shtick! Any possibly I might make some models to give it a 3-D feel? mmmmmmmmmaybe . . . .(yes).
Anyway, little Myleck made 3rd level and got a power that makes me feel like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat - CM'HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn I love gaming.