4e geekery below

Jan 15, 2010 08:36

So last night was my second LFR game, and it was a huge improvement over last week's session.  For one the GM was much, much better.  Probably about my age, and his wife and daughter played with us.  Now, I thought I'd gone a little nutso with the character generator because I made 4 or 5 different characters to bring with me.  His wife had four different dragonborn paladins.  I understand she did one for each build, but yeesh.  Since she wanted to play one of them I set mine aside and played a female dwarf cleric, which turned out to be a wise decision as the mod had loads of undead.  I was very happy with how I played - I got to do some roleplaying, and I had good ideas beyond just rolling dice.  The final battle was insane, as our highest initiative roll was a 5.  Plus we were only a party of five anyway, so when the big bad dude clobbered us with a zone that was sustainable, immobilized AND did damage we looked like we were heading for a TPK.  At one point our paladin was out cold and we had a total of 20 hits between the four of us still standing.  But we pulled it out and I had more fun playing a cleric than I thought I would.

While I would love a home game with a creative GM, I'm liking these mods as well.  Sure, they're cookie cutter, but they're fun and I'm having a blast.  Plus I like supporting the shop, since it was bought from the original owners  by one of their customers who didn't want to see it close.  And it's always good when you suggest something and the GM says, 'Fuck, that's a great idea.  If it were my game I'd allow it but since we're running this mod . . .'

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