Well, now what?

Nov 23, 2009 16:01

I mean, seriously. We didn't just win the Northeastern regions for rugby, we destroyed the teams in the semis and finals. Embarrassed them. Made it look like they didn't even belong on the field with us. Hell, I played almost the entire 2nd half of the game yesterday against previously unbeaten Buffalo and we just kept pouring it on, whipping them 44-8. We are now ranked 3rd in the entire country for D3 and will travel somewhere in May for the Eastern US sweet sixteen. Top teams go to Denver for the finals. Where was this when i was younger?

Now, of course, I have to figure out how to stay in shape over the winter. And who knows if I'll go to either, although I did hear a rumor the East Coast ones are in DC, which is only a 5 hour ride and doable. Florida or Texas, not so much with the easy drive. In the meantime I plan on spending much more time with my wife and kids, catching up with non-rugby friends, preparing for my Inspectres game both at Anonycon in two weekends and a private game in the end of January (need a new city to have them save things in, hmmm), start writing and sending stuff out, get stuff done around the house, and a million other things.

The kids are great - I'll get pictures up soon. Becky is trying whining as a weapon and we're fighting it tooth and nail. Zack had an extremely rough patch while his molars were coming in but he's been much better since then. My wife looks even more amazing than usual, if that's even possible, as she continues to lose the weight she feels she needs to. These have been challenging weeks for her as well - new job, new morning schedule, me gone most Saturdays, a nasty and persistent cough - and hopefully everything will smooth out for her as well.
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