No One Snowflake in An Avalanche Feels Responsible

Nov 05, 2008 08:06

As of right now, Prop 8 is too close to call, but the yes vote seems to be leading.

In a state which is supposedly a bastion of tolerance, we're having a legalized gay bashing, and people seem to be remarkably okay with that.

The number of people in power who are against making different laws for different people is staggering and the arguments for Yes have all been shot down as lies.

But scare tactics and outside money have allowed the electorate to have a reason--flimsy, but real--to let themselves have a scapegoat. Everyone gets to be a bigot for a day and people figure it really doesn't matter.

What frightens me more than anything, is that people have very little memory. Codifying hatred into law has never ended well and usually, by the end, everyone ends aghast saying, "We didn't mean for this to happen!"

Those people fighting for the sanctity of marriage and ironically have more alimony payments that the GNP of small nations will probably win today. I live in terror of what they will win tomorrow.
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