Nov 13, 2009 20:54
it hurts to type.
my hand hurts, i don't mean it hurts emotionally.
talk about shock tonight. sitting on the kitchen floor trying to figure out the thoughts in my head.
she wasn't supposed to die was she?
why didn't she help her?
why does he have to be so addicted?
why did he give her that pill?
what the fuck were they thinking when they didn't tell the doctor?
is this why he was incolsolable?
what happens now?
I fell tonight. I hurt myself pretty bad.
I broke my ring.
I think I had a panic attack; if finding it difficult, beyond difficult to catch your breath, almost tot he point of hyperventilation, hysterical crying, the dark room getting even darker and your heart pounding in your ears is a panic attack, then I had one.
my hand hurts so bad, my knees are throbbing. And I think when I lost that ring I felt like I lost that last bit of the sense of normalcy I was holding onto.
Now everything just hurts.
It just hurts, but I can't even cry anymore.