Pictures of the Portland trip. Don't ask how I got them uploaded. First
batch are from the Portland area; a later batch will cover a trip out toward
Mt. Hood.
First off, for the cat-obsessed among you, here are some pictures of
Tigerlily (for some reason I didn't get any pictures of Muffin this time,
possibly because Muffin didn't spend too much time on my suitcase):
Pictures from Downtown Portland
Pictures from around the downtown Portland area...
Glad they warned me that the roadway was unimproved, because I would never
have noticed it otherwise =P One of these days I want to get a picture of the
"Pavement Ends 400 Feet" sign along a gravel road...
Posted on several of the bridge supports for the I-405/US-30 interchange.
The amusing thing is there's a sidewalk directly under the bridge that
follows the bridge. But I cannot trespass on the grass beside it, noted,
My obligatory "obsession with freeways" picture, this time of the 405 in
its trench in downtown Portland.
Portland Bridges
Burnside Bridge. I like most of the bridges that span the Willamette
River. I even have some small degree of awe for Marquam Bridge; it has no
aesthetic appeal whatsoever, but I am somewhat amused that someone had the
nerve to put an interchange over a river.
Closeup of one of the towers on Burnside.
Steel Bridge, with the Max passing along on the upper deck and a freight
train parked on the lower deck. This would be a wonderful time to see them
try to raise the bridge :) I've been amused by this bridge since the first
time I saw it; for some reason I find the sight of a building on top of a
raising bridge to be a bit absurd.
Another view of Steel, along with the train that is currently parked on