It's been over a year since I
last did the book meme,
it's evolved a tiny bit, and most importantly, my books have been completely
mixed up since then. Borrowed from
- Grab the nearest book.
- Open the book to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these
First Attempt
You all are getting the third and fourth sentences, because there are
only four sentences in the introductory text =P
From イミリーさん (Emily-san)'s entry
in the Gensou Suikoden III 108 Stars Character Guide.
Let's see... chikaramochi (力持ち) is "strong
man"; I think the first sentence is remarking that Emily does not like
it very much to be said that she is a strong woman. The second sentence
remarks that her mother (hahaoya, 母親), Bell, was one of the
stars of destiny during the Toran Liberation War (kaihou sensou,
開放戦争). I just learned that chinamini is a handy
way of saying "by the way", yay. I suck at translation, so expect
errors in the above =P
I'm skipping over the two character guides stacked below this one,
because I don't want to transcribe more kanji.
Second Attempt
The cosine
function decreases in the interval [0, π]. Since
sin x = ∫0xcos t dt,
the graph of the sine function is concave in the interval [0, π].
In the interval [π, 2π], the cosine increases and the sine function
is convex.
Quoted directly from the tome that is Tommy I, also known by mere
mortals as Calculus, Volume 1, Second Edition, by Tom M. Apostol.
Third Attempt
I see only one other book on my coffee table at the moment, George R.R.
Martin's A Clash of Kings. Since I have not started reading that
book yet, I am not going to flip to page 123 to see what it says.
But I can guess it might be something to the effect of
Winter is Coming.
Fourth Attempt
From here I have to go to the bookshelf that houses my paperback
sci-fi/fantasy novels. Sitting atop it is The Thomas Guide: Bay
Area Metro street guide (markup theirs). Sorry, my maps start at 525;
no 123 to be found here. There is a CA-123 in the Bay Area, if it's any
consolation (search for San Pablo Avenue).
Fifth Attempt
Top shelf, outer column, top-left book:
Now, as she wandered the neatly manicured pathways of
Haguefort's gardens, waiting for the first ray of sun to
crest the horizon, Rhapsody took the time to inhale the morning
wind, scented with hickory and pine, and the sharp odor of
leaves burning. It was a smell that put her in mind of her
childhood home on Serendair, the farm country where she
was born, where harvest had been a time alive with excitement,
with urgency, with the year growing shorter, the days
growing darker as each one passed.
She watched the sky now; Liringlas, the skysingers of
the Lirin race, were accustomed to greeting the dawn with
songs called aubades, and therefore could sense when the cobalt
hue of the horizon lightened to the richest of cerulean blues,
signaling the sun's approach.
Elegy for a Lost Star, by Elizabeth Haydon.