Kiss Me On the Bus by the Replacements is such a nice High School tune...I was listening to it whilst scanning pics and it fits so damn perfectly.
Hmmm....not much happening today. I was feeling kind of annoyed during lunch because I was thinking about my "best friends" and Stefen kept asking me if I was depressed, if it was a girl, etc. etc. and I appreciate him "being concerned" but it kinda made me feel worse. Then the lady in the attendance office was being a total bitch (she always is but today in particular grrrr)...4th was okay, we just did more senior polling.
I did however, learnt that when the moon is full, crime is usually at a higher rate.
My jam session with the amazingly awesome folkie has been cancelled. It never was really set in the first place because she said "this weekend" but not Saturday, so I misunderstood and set a date for Saturday. So no beautiful folk player, so I guess Spud and the guys think I'm just a big talker now. I kinda expected it to happen though. Not only is fate never kind in that way but: 1) Some of my friends were making fun of someone else and I couldn't help but crack a joke along with'em.... 2) I didn't pray that night....3) I am still being a bitch to my parents.
I've got some random pictures from the weekend + the week...
Al at my house:
My altar + baby pics + Dad's guitars:
Spud at my house:
Us driving around at midnight:
Kim chasing us off with a bat when we invaded his house:
Us leaving Kim's place:
Stacy and I in computer Sci.