"'cause i can't ignore it if it's love..."

May 20, 2005 22:33

wow, so i had paragraphs written and i accidentally closed the window. oh well. i'll try and recreate what i had. not like i have anything better to do.

this post is pretty much me avoiding sleep. my fever is creeping back so i don't want to go to bed. shivering for hours trying to go to sleep and then waking up bathed in sweat after an hour of broken sleep is not my idea of a good night's rest. the nausea has been the worst thing today. i felt ok this morning and i ate a bunch of crackers (by a bunch i mean maybe 10), a few spoonfuls of soup, and a cookie. i guess i was a little overzealous because i have felt horribly nauseous almost the entire rest of the day. that "meal" is the most i've eaten in one day since...prom night, i believe.

i got the school newspaper today, and for the first time in the entire 6 years i've been at LB i read the entire thing. and i think that may have to do with my full-blown nausea at the moment. the amount of gramatical, puncuation, and spelling errors were horrible. this is not just me being the normal picky English-person that i can be, this is errors so often and so careless that they make our journalists look lazy. it takes away from the writing talent a lot of our school journalists have. in a majority of the articles, 3-paragraphs tops, there were so many errors i wondered if the writer even bothered to read what they had written before they sent it in. i understand this is a school newspaper and not a professional one, but this was just insane. it's normal to find an error or two, maybe more if you're a really close reader, in a famous novel; but when you can't read a single 2 sentence paragraph without having to stop and go back to re-read because you didn't understand it because of errors, there's something wrong. i toyed with the idea of sending a letter to the editor about it, but when and if it was ever published, there would be a typo and i would lose more brain cells than i can afford from banging my head against the wall.

i will say, though, that i was impressed with some of the articles. there was a lot of diversity. the front page had an article about a student who worked to stage a protest and also an article about a program at the school that i never knew about that works to integrate special needs kids with other students, the best buddy program. there were also 2 articles from Christian points of view. i'm not bragging as  Christian at the "publicity," if you will, but i'm rather quite impressed with the authors and person as the topic of the articles for being so bold as to address their faith in a newspaper, school newspaper or no. i would be equally impressed by a member of any religion speaking up like that.

i'm also so excited about our graduation speaker, mr. schulze, my ap language/composition teacher from last year! he and mr. hills (who was teacher of the year, there was an article on him, too) are the 2 most influencial teachers i've ever had. they were more than teachers, but rather educators of life for me. i hope to model my teaching career and style after them, and a lot of the reason i've chosen to pursue teaching is because of them. mr. schulze taught me one the most important concepts i've ever learned, and in a single class period. he said that anyone can die for something that they believe in. it's living for it that's hard, and what truly makes a difference. he's going to be an amazing speaker. he's a good mix of humor, bluntness, insight, and wisdom. plus, he's a young teacher, so he won't get automatically tuned out by students who don't know him. i think he's a great choice. let's just hope the sound system is good enough that us graduates will be able to hear him at graduation.

well it's half a can of flat coke later and my stomach is slightly better. i'm kind of moping at being stuck at home on a friday night, i'm so used to being out or at least working that i'm not adjusting well to sitting on my tush. i only had an hour of school this week. while you may be thinking, "woah, that rocks," it actually sucks. because it's not like my time home is spent doing anything fun. it's combating a fever and nausea and celebrating the major accomplishments of sleeping for more than a few hours straight, having the energy to open a bottle of gatorade by myself, or even a successful walk from my bedroom to the garage and back without having to sit down and rest. the coloring book patricia brought helped some (heehee) and i re-read an entire book in one day already.

oh, and i went to the cardiologist yesterday. they said what my doctor predicted and hoped they would - that there's nothing wrong with me (other than the obvious...). my fainting spells and near-fainting spells (the later which is much more common than i ever let on) are a pain but not because of some serious ailment. my rather odd doctor said, "congratulations, you'll be like this for 20 years at least." (this doctor also told me i should take the paper sheet i pulled my pants down under so he could take my blood pressure on my leg to college with me because they're great for toga parties). going to the doctor was a waste of energy but it's good to hear i'm ok.

sean brightened today by coming up for a little bit after my dad got home from work. i had warned him i wouldn't be much fun (and it's pretty obvious i'm unkissable for now ;)) but his stubborn self came up here anyway. he brought blazing saddles, which was hysterical, although i didn't have the energy to laugh much and i probably looked like i was going to throw up the entire time, because, well, that's how i felt. great movie though. my dad was in his element and came downstairs to watch it with us and i had to reprimand him multiple times for quoting a line before it was said because i hadn't seen it before! the boyfriend stayed for dinner (steak) and was kind enough to eat my little piece for me. dinner for me was a glass and a half of water. oh yummy. sean left after dinner and a slideshow of our prom pics on the computer because i was fading fast as my nausea and fever increased. oh well. at least my friday night wasn't a total bomb.

and now that i've written a novel for a post, i'm going to find some other random thing to keep me occupied...tomorrow will consist of being bored and maybe restful sleep until hopefully going into work at 4 to help with inventory until i feel too sickly to be there. being with my fellow lifeway friends should cheer me up some. =-) be nice to earn some money, too...hurm.

toodles until my next pointless post. i'm sure you all love it when i'm sick...you get books from me instead of a paragraph...

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