Oh my I loved Tall Tales than and Born Under are my fave Eppies This Season prolly out of Both Seasons.
I love Dean's Chipmumk Face with all the Food/His Comment to Sam and get all narky about "The Car", The Wrestling,Sam's Blah Blah, Darla trying to keep her liquor down.
Oh I could go on it's so funny and Bobby best supporting character evar. Well maybe after a Dad and Jo (Yes i like her hides)
Love your quote that's one of my Fave's Too and the "Conjoined Twins" was another good one and the Probing.
Erm Yeh I think I have seen it a few too many times I will shutup.
They were extremely awesome episodes, one of my favourites too including Nightshifter. With those two I have titled then "Bitchface!Sammy" and "Evil!Sammy" respectively ;)
I know, he makes it look so freakin' easy! XD Well, Bobby is majorly awesome, he totally owns me XD
And, I am not the world's biggest fan of Jo, but I won't hate on you because you *do* like her :)
Yeah, that quote is one of my icons ;)
And you can never see SPN too many times, it's impossible! ;)
Yes BitchFace Sammy is Funny and EvilSammy is well Fracking Hott!!.
Esh I dunno how many times I have watched Born Under but it's a fair few.
Bobby Rocks he's the good surrogate dad for the boys at the momento.
But Jo I wasn't a fan of at first cause I think of they way they had her as Dean's Love Interest but if they had gone with maybe Sam/Jo I would have been more of a fan but I love her know especially that Bar Scene Meeps. Holy Moley Cow it was hot hot hot can I be her pleeeeeeeeasee lol.
Thank you ;) I certainly do agree, after those two episodes they totally went up in my books! :D Yeah, and he makes with the funny while doing it! ;)
Yeah, although I am not a fan of Jo, if I could see her going out with one of the brothers it would have to be Sammy. Totally, and they scene was too hot for words. The closeness. Just hot. XD
I wasn't a fan of Roadkill last week I mean it was a "Good" Eppy but compared to Born Under and Tall Tales I wasn't a huge fan of it. I mean yeh was nice to see the boys back but just felt like something was off/missing :(.
I dunno if that's just me.
The Closeness Yeh oh my the way he breathed on her when he said "It didn't have to be this way" Gah they were sooooooooooo close then. KHDDKDKD Flaily Comment bit.
Hell I just got a new mood theme made on my LJ and teh Predatory/Horny/Flirty Moods are of that bit of the eppy can you say just a wee bit obsessed.
Well, maybe it's one of those episodes where you need to watch it more than once to really like it *shrugs* I don't know the actress, so I am impartial with her.
I love Dean's Chipmumk Face with all the Food/His Comment to Sam and get all narky about "The Car", The Wrestling,Sam's Blah Blah, Darla trying to keep her liquor down.
Oh I could go on it's so funny and Bobby best supporting character evar. Well maybe after a Dad and Jo (Yes i like her hides)
Love your quote that's one of my Fave's Too and the "Conjoined Twins" was another good one and the Probing.
Erm Yeh I think I have seen it a few too many times I will shutup.
I know, he makes it look so freakin' easy! XD Well, Bobby is majorly awesome, he totally owns me XD
And, I am not the world's biggest fan of Jo, but I won't hate on you because you *do* like her :)
Yeah, that quote is one of my icons ;)
And you can never see SPN too many times, it's impossible! ;)
Yes BitchFace Sammy is Funny and EvilSammy is well Fracking Hott!!.
Esh I dunno how many times I have watched Born Under but it's a fair few.
Bobby Rocks he's the good surrogate dad for the boys at the momento.
But Jo I wasn't a fan of at first cause I think of they way they had her as Dean's Love Interest but if they had gone with maybe Sam/Jo I would have been more of a fan but I love her know especially that Bar Scene Meeps. Holy Moley Cow it was hot hot hot can I be her pleeeeeeeeasee lol.
Yeah, although I am not a fan of Jo, if I could see her going out with one of the brothers it would have to be Sammy. Totally, and they scene was too hot for words. The closeness. Just hot. XD
I wasn't a fan of Roadkill last week I mean it was a "Good" Eppy but compared to Born Under and Tall Tales I wasn't a huge fan of it. I mean yeh was nice to see the boys back but just felt like something was off/missing :(.
I dunno if that's just me.
The Closeness Yeh oh my the way he breathed on her when he said "It didn't have to be this way" Gah they were sooooooooooo close then. KHDDKDKD Flaily Comment bit.
Hell I just got a new mood theme made on my LJ and teh Predatory/Horny/Flirty Moods are of that bit of the eppy can you say just a wee bit obsessed.
Sammy can be sexy when he wants to and not just adorable giant puppy ;)
Obsessions are fun, so says me ;)
But make your own judgement Im not a fan of the guest actress. Well I know of her but didn't think she was superdooper wonderful as everyone made out.
Yes Sammy Sexy either Puppyish or Evil.
Yes I agree *Nods* obsessions good.
Really am going to bed this time.
Bye Bye
Okies, night! ;)
Anyhoo's I slept and I have know showered n stuff. Im sure you really wanted to know that.
Im off to an appointment I will see you soon (Well not see you) but you get me.
I didn't need to know that, no. But I feel honoured that you told me ;)
Okies, have fun or good luck! And I do get you :D
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