getting my ass kicked lol

Mar 07, 2006 11:11

ok so im practicing harder and getting really ready for states and keep getting my ass kicked lol not in the literal sense cuz im hangin with some of these guys but omg my face and body is a mess. My face is all cut up i got a black eye my lip, where the gums connect to the top of my lip, is ripped off, i have cauliflower ear in both ears i had impetigo, i got a cu on my nose, i have spots on my face healing from" rug burn, and then the rest of my body is bruised and i got a cut on my wrist...shit i dunno im pretty messed up lol. I kinda like it tho! So things with the gf are great we had another fight but were alright it was some frustration and confusion. Im so happy were all good i really miss her tho, lol and i just saw her last night, ive notice i miss her more when we have a fight specially since i dont see her everyday in school. Its all good tho and were happy, its almost three months, next week to be exact. I cant wait wrestling wil be done i wont have to worry bout nething ne more and then its gonna about her getting a job and finishing up to graduate. Im so happy things are just goin great. two days till "the show" and its gonna be amazing i cant wait to get on that floor again for the march and to wrestle, deffenitley hoping to come out with a medal too. Anyways thats really it im just so hyped and ready to go. update later
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