
Irreconcilable Discord; Absentee Balloting Suspended Indefinitely

Oct 18, 2005 20:21

I will keep this short and bitter, since last time it was so long and touching.

The same problems cited in the famed Middlemarch-themed goodbye letter this past January have arisen anew. In getting kicked out of the Nelson Room, and in general, with 6/7ths of the War Room Council Contingency being seniors, the impetus to continue the Tuesday Nite "Fites" has waned.

To quote the TNF charter:

Should there be irreconcilable discord in the Council, the archon will impeach all Council members (including himself, if necessary) and appoint a new Council. (II.A.3.)

Having arrived at an impasse in the discussion of TNF's immediate future, tonite's War Room came down to a take it or leave it ultimatum: either stay and script this evening's Fites, or go. Mr. Geannikis, Mr. Steiner, Mr. Kronberg, and Mr. Quinn thereby resigned their archonships, and left the interim War Room Council with Mr. Sturm, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Vecchiolla. Because Mr. Sturm is The Future, he takes Mr. Geannikis's vacated position of Head Archon, and has pledged to begin the process of forming a new War Room Council, conducting a publicity assault, and beginning TNF anew.

Because the club is in his computerless hands, absentee voting is suspended indefinitely. TNF Wk XLVIII is still on, as far as I know, in McDowell 12. I apologize to all enthusiastic absentee voters, don't lose hope, check this journal and the away message of the SN TuesdayNiteFites for any news.

Next time you read this journal it will be news from a newly structured club, with a new War Room, with a new life.

Erikk M. Geannikis
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