Mar 07, 2008 23:43
Before I went to bed this morning I took a melatonin suppliment and I woke up feeling like I got sleep! Its been a while since I've had that happen. To clarify, I'm not taking this as a sleeping pill. I HATE sleeping pills. I've tried them before, 2 or 3 times, and each time I had nightmares I couldn't wake up from. I did my research on this, and the dosage that vivid nightmares are said to occur at is around 3mg, and I made sure to get the 1mg dose. Melatonin is a substance the body produces around nighttime to tell you its time to go to bed, and its what helps you get a good nights sleep. I am taking this suppliment to help me sleep better rather than to get to sleep (even though it'll do that too). My sleep has been very poor these past few years and I've been worried about my health because of it. I'm going to be careful with these, and if I start getting nightmares I'll figure something out.