Dec 08, 2007 00:44
So, to try and bring things up to date, I'm working Night Audits again at a hotel, but I needed the money and was jobless. I'm hoping to start up school in Jan, but that will depend on whether or not I get a laptop as well as X-mas money, though it'd be one class I hope I can snag it. I want to go back to school to get refreshed on my tech skills and hopefully get a job that pays well and doesn't rely on me working at night. The plan is to take about 2-4 classes to get caught up and go apply for jobs again with a different resume.
Otherwise things are going fine. I've been talking with a pscyh and I feel like my life is improving even if nothing has changed. I eagerly await June when my last payment on my car will be made. Since I'm working Audit again, I want a laptop that can keep up with me (using Amber's laptop which is 7 years old O.O it still gets it done, but I gotta update!).
The only other news of note is that I am very heavily considering getting into writing, and I mean professionally. I know I seem to be quite schizophrenic on what I want to do with my life, and I am approaching this idea rather cautiously. I'd be looking at doing freelance writing, so I still need a day (night?) job, but I seem to keep getting feedback from the RPG's I run, all of which is positive, and I kinda enjoy it. The plan, if I can get beyond my hesitance to try it out, is to see if I can get some short stories published, and go from there. Where there is I do not know, but we shall see.
And I hope to update LJ more often, but don't hold me to it.