Nov 21, 2006 00:58
Last week was really good for me. I had meant to post earlier, but I kinda got caught up in things ^_^ Things overall were really good, and I investigated another AGM ad I saw on the internet. I saw it Mon night, looked into it on Tues, followed up on Friday. What happened is that the GM was really interested in me, but the RVP is the one who does the hiring. He had a desk clerk position open, so I took it (and a slight raise in my pay!). The idea is to learn as much as I can and move up to AGM, and then to GM. The AGM position at this hotel is pretty much training to be a GM, and then when a hotel opens up in the region, off you go! Yes, I've thought about it, and that's the route I'm going to go. Amber has a few years ahead of her to finish up school, and as much as I want to stay in the area, I need to get my career to the next level. What htis means is that, as I've mentioned before, I'm going to open up my borders to some close by city areas like Peoria and Chicagoland, but not right away, I want to wait and see how things progress. If things go well enough, I'll be content to wait, but if I've been suckered, well, online resume applications await me.
Other than that, things are ok. A little bit more money in the pocket won't hurt, and once my two weeks at Sonic are up, I'll see a decrease in my stress level, and once school is done I'll have even less stress. Soon, so very soon.