(no subject)

May 16, 2008 04:45

Only four cups of coffee and my mind's an incoherent mess...I used to be able to go through 4 pots of coffee before that would happen, but when I quit drinking Pepsi, it had the side-effect of lowering my caffeine tolerance.
Last weekend I decided to by my first grill as a mother's day present to myself so now I'm in happy charcoal-ness land. I like making up adjectives sometimes. Poor Josh realized that I claimed all rights to the grill so he doesn't get to pretend to be a pyro with the lighter fluid.
Now that it's been a year since I had my ankle fused and I can actually skip around now, I think I'm going to try playing DDR again. I just need to get one of the versions for my ps2, dig out where my mats are, and invest in a lot of tylenol or motrin. Hopefully I don't overdo it to the point of needing to use my cane for a day or two as my supervisor is the only one at work who even knows I've got a walking problem since he's the boyfriend of a guy I used to work with at Waffle House and used to see me hobbling around like Igor.
Hopefully next time I remember to update this rather than just reading other peoples' posts, I won't be alternating between trying to ramble and staring blankly at the screen.
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