But the fire is 100 yards away...

Oct 25, 2007 11:24

It's sad that some people actually believe this stuff:
HD satellite signals reach your home in the form of lightning
Satellite signals come from space in the form of a red ball, and gravity is what makes it reach satellite dishes on homes
Plasma tv's are filled with plasma...blood plasma
Satellite signals barbecue your brain

Several of us at work got calls on Sunday from irate Californians who wanted to watch their Nascar race. They demanded to know why their local news was superceding the race. After pointing out that we have no control over their local stations, we tried to remind them that the news stations felt it was important to keep everyone up-to-date on the wildfires in the area. One customer then whined that the fire was 100 yards away from his house and that the fires last year had only slightly singed his back porch so why couldn't the news just let him watch his damn race.
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