Supergirl was a tough episode for me to evaluate. I didn't hate it. I didn't exactly like it. But there were parts I liked so I didn't feel like I should give it an F. In fact I liked it better than Lazarus. Then again I wasn't expecting the sucker punch I got from Lazarus.
But then when I think about other episodes I'd give a D... I like them better than Supergirl. I guess that means both Lazarus and Supergirl get Fs.
One good thing about the episode was it let viewers know it's set in a fantasy world almost immediately.
You remember one episode ago when every other scene was about how much Clark wanted to go see Lois? Or how much Lois wanted to see Clark? I don't think the writers did. No kiss. Even their hug was a little... hampered by darkness? (Or doubt? Or Pride? Oh, I don't know. It was hampered by something. I'll have to ask Al on Twitter and get back to you.)
I guess Clark knows he has some issues he needs to get over before he can really connect with Lois I would have thought it was his secret. That shows what I know, his secret even wasn't even mentioned (wrt Lois)!
It's because Lois is the picture of perfection and Clark, well he's just a hot mess.
Clark thought maybe he would make a save in front off all his doubters (Everyone who must have telecommuted the day he caught the globe). Instead he was in for a nasty shock.
Bad special effects and Kara. That's right, Kara saved the day right out from under Clark. Not that she'd rub it in or anything.
The two cousins kind of started things off on the wrong foot.
Meanwhile Lois donned her first disguise of the episode. And got the low down on Godfrey's plans.
Lois tried to give Oliver a heads up only to interrupt his fond memories of Chloe.
If it's any consolation, Oliver, Chloe made me want to stick my fist through a wall at times last year as well.
With Oliver being of no help and Clark being so full of darkness it was up to Lois and her pure heart to impersonate Godfrey's driver and blackmail him out of revealing the Green Arrow's secret identity.
While Lois was off at an S & M club Clark was getting the real lesson in pain. The worst flying lesson ever.
The writers decided that maybe not everything about this show need be explained through Twitter. But some things don't change. It's still always Clark's fault.
OK, maybe not everything is Clark's fault. Lois' bad choices are all her own.
I always love it when Clark gets to give the big bad a heroic monologue. Maybe next episode.
Lucky for Clark Kara was around. After all she has skills which elude Clark to this day -- the ability to accessorize!
Kara (and Clark) saved Lois! On first viewing I was distracted most of this this scene. Out of the corner of my eye I thought maybe a Cirque Du Soleil commercial was on.
Ah, it wouldn't be Smallville if Clark didn't furrow his brow at least once.
Just the kind of warm send off for for Kara I expected from TPTB.
Oh yeah, and all that trouble Lois went through to protect Oliver's secret? He totally doesn't care.
So there's Supergirl for you. Maybe not the worst. But certainly among the worst.