
Jun 15, 2007 11:16

on my to read list:

if anyone has read these books already, what's your feedback?

and lastly ...

“Thousands of people have written to tell me that I am wrong not to believe in God. The most hostile of these communications have come from Christians. This is ironic, as Christians generally imagine that no faith imparts the virtues of love and forgiveness more effectively than their own. The truth is that many who claim to be transformed by Christ’s love are deeply, even murderously, intolerant of criticism. While we may want to ascribe this to human nature, it is clear that such hatred draws … "

as a Christian i don't want to pigeon hole myself into "RELIGION" and the idea of Christian Reformism. in fact, because of my of liberal way of thinking, i'm often critized by fellow christians for reading and learning about different faiths and walks of life. that's why this book and all his other books on anti-christian beliefs fasinate me. the idea of getting into a non believers mind is intriging and i want to know why some believe and why some don't.

i love to learn and experience different cultures which normally follows a religion or strick way of life, but often get lashed from fellow christians in fear that i may turn away from my Christian beliefs or be posioned by outside religious views ... what do i say to them? if your faith and belief in God is so limited and so narrow minded, how could you ever learn to fully love and appreciate all that God has created - good and bad - ultimately everyone's a sinner no one person better or worse than another in God's eyes so if we can't accept and love everyone for who they are, where they come from without apology ... how could we seriously call ourselves "Christians" - aka, followers of Christ!

some may disagree with me, that's fine. some may agree. that's fine as well.
ultimately, i say i have one life and one death. i have one body and one soul. and in the end all of this only equals answering to one God. i believe that a man named Jesus walked this earth at one point and his man died for our sins. i believe through this man's death i am alive and everything he came to teach us, i aspire to live out in my lifetime. i believe this man is "love" and in following the life of this man you see example after example of his unconditional love for everyone - except religious leaders who were more afraid of what this man can do to their image as heads of the church. that is why i don't follow "religion" and i don't care what religious leaders say about me wanting to learn and mix with "pegans". all i care about is, am i exuding love to those who need it?

if so... i am a christian.
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