Looking some of my old pictures I found this one taken in May 1956. It was my first car, a 1940 Chevy. Standing with me is my aunt Ruth (my Father's sister).
I did lots of mainbtenance work on it - painted it, tuneups, did a brake job. Tuineups in those days were easy - idle speed adjustment, and idle mixure adjustment screws on the carburator, and point gap.
I took auto mechanics in High school. A side effect of auto meqchincs was that yuou could park your car on the school lot instead of the street a block away. And we occasionally snuck out there to smoke a cigarette. They allowed smoking foin the lunch room near then end - when they flicked the lights to say iot was OK, but nowhere else and you weren't allowed to leave the campus and thus couldn't go out . Fortunately, a few years later I stopped for good.