
Christmas 2018

Dec 27, 2018 11:40

Our usual household tradition is for all the people in the house to come down and over to my couch to see the tree.

To make sure that no-one is forgotten we have an attendance list. (A few years ago James got left in Gloucester when we moved back and we didn't discover it for several months when we went to rescue him.)

Then we had a nice Christmas dinner.

Here is the menu:

After having enough Christmas music on the radio I selected a CD of Klezmer Music, and then a Voice of the Turtle CD: From the Shores of the Golden Horn

Here is the description: "The first to welcome Sephardic exiles was the Ottoman Empire, the heart of which was in Turkey. "Shores of the Golden Horn" resounds with the blending of Jewish and Ottoman musical traditions. You will here the influence of Ottoman court music, para-liturgical maftirim, and the popular songs of the vibrant communities of Istambul, Izmir, and Edirne."

And then to cap it off we went to see the Christmas Revels last night. This one had a Nordic theme. It was splendid. Brings back memories of when I was in the Revels - in 1979 and one other year as a member of the Quadrivium - an early music group.

personal, people, tradition, dining

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