In honor of the day I made my standard cut out a heart shaped object from red construction paper, impale it on a skewer, or this time on a red fancy-pipe-cleaner like thing. (My current piece of red paper has room for next year's.)
I was going to stop in at Walgreens yesterday afternoon to get something non-valentiny but the check-out line had about 30 people in it - all holding valentine objects.
Oh, and I wished Robert Coren Happy Farrell's day (for non baseball fans, John Farrell was last year's replacement for Bobby Valentine, the previous manager).
I chose Dubonnet for our cocktail because it was red - Bloody Marys would have been redder but Dubonnet was easier. And I claimed that "I don't make Bloody Marys".
rsc said it is easy and reminded him that I said "I don't make" not "I don't know how". We have this thing where I claim that I don't make complicated drinks (with the exception of Pisco Sours). So when it is my turn we usually have scotch, sherry, or Dubonnet, although Dubonnet is lots of work - you have to get out ice, and slice some lime. The ice was some Easter Island moia shaped cubes. I remarked that we have to remember to use these on Easter.
So much for modern day romanticism in our household.