Jan 27, 2011 11:18
Yesterday I got Crossing: A Memoir by Deirdre McCloskey from the library and lay down to read it and didn't stop until I got to the last page. This is an account by Deirdre, a noted economist, who was about her Gender Crossing from being Donald to Deirdre.
She tells with much candor a moving story about her life experience in this transition. She has many thought-provoking observations about going through the transition, families, the medical profession, homophobia, scientists, gender-oriented characteristics, friendship et al. I definitely recommend that people read this book.
One thing that surprised me was her rejection by the Iowa City Ocean Wave Square Dance Community during the early stages of her crossing. Of course this was ~15 years ago and perhaps things have changed there since then. We have certainly seen tremendous growth of acceptance in the straight Contra Dance community of dancing opposite gender roles and gay men dancing with straight men and looking at each other in the eyes and smiling.