Chris Mason is a GLBTQ activist who created
Phelps-a-thons to raise money when the WBC comes to protest. He also took an all summer trip in 2009 to interview people in all 48 states - he called it
Driving Equality. Ifirst met him when he became a GLBT Commissioner. When the WBC came to Cambridge last year his effort raised ~$3500 for GLBTQ
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Um, no. God is God. He would not create a group of humans just to torture/destroy/condemn them to eternal damnation.
That $@#%@ witch is NOT gonna tell me that George is in Hell, even if there is such a place... and I don't believe there is.
A human would destroy entire groups of humans. Been done before by Hitler, Sadam, etc. Not God. God is not human, and, as such, cannot be driven by human frailties. He has other motivations that we humans are unable to fully comprehend.
God is NOT a big angry child with a magnifying glass, setting fire to humans, as though they were mere ants.
The Phelps and their kind are sick, evil, sad people who think of God as being worse than the devil himself!
Their view of God is infantile.. like he is some angry parent. They most likely got this from their parents, who got it from their own parents, and so on..
From a psychological point of view, small children view their own parents as being God-like beings who can punish or reward them, depending upon the child's behavior. This can lead to a tendency to view God as a vengeful parent, all throughout one's life. This is very childish.
I do believe in an afterlife, but it cannot be populated by Phelps and their ilk.
I refuse to believe that the universe is run that badly!
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