There's been an important meeting going on in our household. It commenced a few days ago and it had continued for much more time than we had expected.
The Senior people have been running it - Lawrence the Koala, Teddy, and Martha the monkey. These are all people who have held management positions in our household
back in the days when we had a hierarchical management structure and Martha also apparently had a short career as a judge, or so she tells us. This meeting was precipitated by Marcus, our mountain beaver, who a few days ago started claiming that he was a hippopotamus. Bartholomew, our hippopotamus, was apparently somewhat offended and there was a lot of chit chat among various people about this situation.
Marcus was allowed to bring his boyfriend Daniel to the meeting and Bartholomew brought his friend Balboa. No-one else was invited. We had expected a press conference or some sort of communication but nothing has emanated. Perhaps like many business meetings it has turned into a boondoggle and we will never hear about what was decided. Or maybe we will.