Mar 28, 2006 13:23
This is stupid, 500,000 people or so are protesting all over the city that this new law to criminalize illegals is bad. What the hell? If you come here illegeally you are breaking the law, hence the illegeal part. The only reason these people bitch so much is probably because some one know has yet to come over illegally yet, and i see all these people with mexican flags and pride, if you love it soooo much then go back. I wonder if they know this kinda protest would not happen in mexico. They want to allow criminals to come into america, and they say people who dont agree are ignorant, well wanting to allow people to break our laws is ignorant. GUSD reported that 72 kids ditched class to go to these protests. I think the cops should arrest anyone under 18 for ditching school and lay into the rest with CS gas. Proesting is dumb and isnt going to stop this law. If you want to stop it write your congressman, dont cause traffic and problems for the rest of us with your protesting. what you fools think about all this nonsense?