I kill asthmatic kitties (don't ask)

Mar 06, 2006 21:49

Sooo many interviews!! It's ridiculous. I was going crazy applying everywhere so I'd get something - hopefully several things so I'd have some options. But I've now had... 4 interviews from different Pfizer managers, and I've got another one tomorrow, only this one is going to be a conference call with several people. Ugh. But some of the jobs sound kind of interesting. Designing a GUI in java for web-database interface stuff. Something like that.

Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't even be putting something like Java on my resume, since it's not like I'm particularly great at it. But then if I didn't include that sort of stuff, I wouldn't have anything, so...

Also, interview for Knapp Internship last week. I was really hoping for that, but now people who've done it before are telling me I'm overqualified. Plus I'm doing a lot of web design for Pattie this semester. So we'll see.

And an interview at Charles River Analytics Friday.

And probably one for an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) soon. Though I made a mistake - I sent them my app early. ::Gasp!:: So the head of the program e-mailed me saying they'd received my app, he wanted to interview me, and they haven't received the recs from my profs, so could I please ask them to send it by the end of the week.

Well. Um, no. I (stupidly) told my profs they had till the deadline (actually, till two days before this particular deadline). And I'm not going to pester them right now about it, because I feel that wouldn't be fair. So I still need to write this guy an e-mail back about this, letting him know what the sitch is. Hopefully he'll be cool with it.

So that's my life at the moment, mostly - applying/interviewing for summer shit. At this rate, it looks like I won't be home delivering newspapers again, like two summers ago, which is good.

What else. Um, nothing special that I can think of. BARCC (Boston Area Rape Crisis Center) training for SAAFE this wkend, only I skipped Sunday, since I didn't feel great, and this is my third year of training of the same thing. Instead, I slept for 13 hours :)

Some papers coming up I keep forgetting about.. I should probably get on that. Like, now.

Off to look into papering....
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