NPS Recap #1

Aug 10, 2009 20:35

Overall, a pretty good NPS.

I want to do an extensive recap but I'm feeling a little too emotionally pummeled and exhausted to really get into it.

I will say, though, that I liked more poems this year than I have in years past. In every bout/event I attended there were at least two times where I nodded my head and said, "that's a good poem."  There were several great pieces on Finals stage, even. Here's a list of the ones that especially stood out (I'm sure I'll forget a bunch):
  • Jacco, Team Paris, Night 1: I don't remember what the fuck it was about or if it matters, but this poem was fun. That wacky frenchman lit the room up for a perfect score. He performed the hell out of it. Even I, in mid-bout-freakout, took time to cheer and smile and giggle.
  • Ross Hickerson/Sam Chesters, Multiple appearances: Ode to free ejaculation. If you saw it, you know.
  • Jeanann Verlee, Night 3, "Communion": And maybe I'm biased, but this poem/performance was hands-down the best thing I saw all week. It's also in the Top 5 of best poems I have ever seen.
  • JM & Lucky 7's group piece, Berkeley, Night 3
  • Brian Ellis, Night 1: I'm not sure of the title, but this was his Abigail Adams/broken legs poem. So good. Not that anyone is surprised.
  • Jesse Welch, Young Chicago, Night 2: His Chicago piece was perfect. My kind of shit about my kinda city from a local upstart.
  • Susie Swanton, Young Chicago, Night 2: a great performance
  • Hampshire College duet, Night 2: It was essentially a soundscape written to one's self while in the womb. Beautiful, inventive, A+
  • John Survivor Blake, Night 3: Hate all you want but his letter from Miles Davis to Chris Brown was fucking electric
  • Will Evans, PoetCD showcase, "In the Event....": Straight murder.
  • Falu, PoetCD showcase & Finals, two poems: Seriously, ya'll motherfuckers don't want no trouble.
  • Guante, St. Paul, Finals: That's my shit.
  • Christian Drake, Finals: For the first 1:40, I was all, "this is well-written and everything but why do we care?" When he hit the turn, I was on my feet. When he walked off stage, I was standing on my chair. Literally.
  • Sierra DeMulder, St Paul, Finals: The best school violence poem I have ever heard. Perhaps the only one I've liked. That lady is a beast.
Yeah, I missed a bunch. The ones listed are the ones that compelled me to pull my notebook out and write down. What did you like?

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