
Jan 11, 2004 19:38

This is longgg but I was bored haha..

1. What time is it? 6:51 pm
2: ful name? Jane Mae Wallace
3. Birthday? September 30th 1989
4. Location? Haysi (Above Bartlick)
5. School/Mascot/Colors? Haysi High/Tiger/Red *&* White!
6. Zodiac? Libra! :)
7. Shoe Size? 6
8. How tall are you? 4'9"
How much do you weigh?:80 pounds
9. Pets? 1 dog and 1 cat
10.Any brothers and sisters? yuppers
11. Eye color? blue and sometimes green
12. Hair color? blonde
13. Grade? 9th
14. Hobbies? Softball and umm heck i uno haha.. just hangin out wit my friends i guess!
15. Nicknames? Janey(by Jade)..Gidget(don't ask haha).. Shorty(by Zac)
16. What languages do you speak? English
17. Do you play sports? yuppers, Softball and i plan on taking cheerleading back up soon!
18. Where were you born? Norton
19. Are you a night or a morning person? night, obviously
20. Are you ticklish? yes! ugh lol..
21. Do you believe in God? yes!!

22. Where do you want to go to college? not sure?
23. What do you want to be when you grow up? and again not sure
24. What was the worst day of your life? shu, id rather not talk about it =(
26. What has been the best day of your life? umm not sure but one of the greatest was last april 1st hehe.. thanks hunny!! =)
27. What comes first in your life? my family
28. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nopey
29. What are you most scared of? being alone and losing the people i love the most!
30. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? in the back of my head but i wouldn't want anyone to know they were there. Lol!
31. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? depends

32. Who's your best friend? I have lots i'll name a few.. AJ, Nat, Jade, Eric, Allen, Amber, Keisha, Brenla, Denisha, Candi, *&* Mike Wallace!!
33. Who's your funniest friend? gosh, couldnt really tell ya haha
34. Who makes you laugh most? Allen
35. Who do you e-mail most? Nat, when i dont get online or he doesnt becuz thas when we know somethings going on and worry about each other.. I love you Nat your the greatest cousin ever!
36. Who's your meanest friend? oh golly??
37. Who's the loudest? We're all loud haha
38. Who's the shyest? Megan
39. Who's the smartest? AJ
40. Who's the wildest? well ppl say ima bad influence does that make me wild? haha
41. Who's the sweetest? AJ =)
42. Who do you go for girl/guy advice? Nat *&* Eric!
43. Who knows all your secrets? AJ, Eric, *&* Nat
44. Who's always there for you? AJ, Nat, Eric, *&* Jade mostly
45. Who's your cutest girl/guy friend? AJ
46. Who's the most understanding? AJ, Eric, *&* Nat
47. Who's the most honest? Eric
48. Who's the weirdest? Candace lol

49. Person: ??
50. Movie: Cruel Intentions, right AJ? haha
51. Song: Figured you out - Nickelback hahaha!!
52. Band/Group: dont gotta fave
53. Store: dont have a fave
54. Relative: Nat of course!
55. Sport: softball
56. Vacation spot: not sure
57. Ice Cream Flavor: cookies & cream, cookie dough, oreo, *&* Superman!!
58. Fruit: strawberries and watermelon
59. Candy: anything chocolate
60. Car: not sure
61. Class: algebra cuz me and keisha goof off a lot
62. Holiday: Christmas!
63. Day of the Week: Friday *&* Saturday
64. Color: blue, yellow, and pink!!
65. Magazine: seventeen
66. Name for a Girl: ??
67. Name for a Boy: ??

68. Danced? yup lol
69. Had a serious talk? nope
70. Hugged someone? my lil brother
71. Fought with a friend? nopey
72. Cried? nope
73. Laughed? yup
74. Made someone laugh? yes
75. Bought something? nope
76. Cut your hair? Nope
77. Felt stupid? nope
78. Talked to someone you love? yuppers, my family and of course nat hehe
79. Missed someone? always...

80. Had a hangover? =)
81. done drugs? nopey
82. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? naw
83been dumped? yup sure have
84. Had someone be unfaithful to you? yeah,
85. Watched Punky Brewster? nope
86. Hiked a mountain? sorta haha
87. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? yep
88. Been in love? yeah
89. Seen the White House? nope
90. Seen the Eiffel Tower? nope
91. Tried smoking? nope
92. Had alcohol? not me =)
93. Smoked marijuana? nope
94. Played Monopoly? yes. and AJ and Jeremy are cheaters! haha
95. Seen Titanic? yes
96. Kissed someone? yes
97. French kissed someone? yes
99. Tried a weight loss program? lord no lol.. if anything i needa gain weight
100. Jumped on a trampoline? yeah
101. Visited another country? nope
102. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? yea when i was a kid
103. Had a bubble bath? yes! i <3 them.
104. Been on a plane? nope
105. Been on a boat? yes
106. Been on a train? not that i member
107. Been in a car accident? nope
108. Ridden an elephant? actually believe it or not i have and it was cool as heck! haha!
109. Made a web page? ya
110. Played with Barbies? when i was younger
111. Stayed up all night? yuppers
112. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? oh yea
113. Broken a bone? nope
114. Called a psychic or sex hotline? haha no!!
115. Watched Jerry Springer? yeah
116. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? of course i have
117. Been afraid of the dark? yuppers
118. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? um? well when i was born i hadda stay in teh hospital for a while cuz i was way to little to go home ;(
119. Had stitches? yup, on my eye when i was in 2nd grade
120.Dumped someone and regretted it? yup
121 Went out with more than one person at the same time? no
122. Lied? yep
123. Been arrested? not yet haha
124. Fallen asleep in class? of course
125. Used food for something other than to eat? um no lol
126. Met a celebrity? nope , not that i can member
127. Broken the law? yeah
128. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? of course.
129. Hated yourself? yes
130. Been brokenhearted? yes
131. Broken someones heart? yes

*~DO YOU....~*
132. Cry?: yes
133. Like to give hugs?: yeah who doesn't?
134. Like to walk in the rain?: uhh?
135. Sleep with or without clothes on?: with
136. Prefer black or blue pens?: blue.
137. Dress up on Halloween?: no
138. Have a job?: nope
139. Like to travel?: depends who it's with
140. Like someone? yes
141. Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: my tummy
142. Think you're attractive?: no
143. Want to marry?: yup,
144. Have a goldfish?: nah
145. Ever have the falling dream?: of course
146. Have stuffed animals?: yep
147. Go on vacation?: yes

148. Gun Control: there should be a certain age. like there is. i think the laws are fine right now.
149. Abortion: its horrible!!
150. Bill Clinton: hes just an old man
151. Smoking: its bad for you ERIC!!
152. Eating Disorders: um?
153. Rape: its really really stupid for ppl to rape somebody and its so sad for the ppl that get raped.. we have some sick ppl in the world
154. Jerry Springer: old man on tv lol..
155. Suicide: so so horrible!!
156. South Park: i love it
157. Summer: awesome!!
158. Tattoo: ?? ppl get em
159. Piercings: they're cool
160. Make-up: im addicted!
161. Drinking: hehehe!!!! it gets addictive
162. Guys: can't live with or without them
163. Girls: i uno haha.. accoridng who they are i guess
164. Both guy and gurls: im straight haha

164. Lisa: that girl on saved by the bell haha..
165. Jennifer: Jades mommy
166. Lindsey: Forrest's gf
167. Megan: Megan Puckett
168. Brandon: stupid retard i cant stand
169. Melony: a girl that hates me haha
170. Angela: a girl i know from Alabama
171. Michelle: Mullins
172. Mike: Sumner
173. Claudia: that chic on the baby sitters club haha
174. Ryan: the sexy guy on Cruel Intentions
175. Lauren: Umm??
176. Derek: Brookes bf
177. Brad: Pitt
178. Jason: another guy from Alabama
179. Matt: a guy brookey talks to
180. Holy: church and God
181. Jackie: Cody's cousin
182. Christian: a girl i know!!
183. Caroline: lord i uno
184. Joseph: umm??
185. Betsy: a cow
186. Patrick: some guy in 8th grade haha
187. Penis: penis! haha

*~THIS OR THAT....~*
188. Pierced nose or tongue? tongue.
189. Be serious or funny?: depends on the situation
190. Single or taken?: i wish i was taken haha
191.simple or complicated?: simple
192. Sweet or silly?: depends
193. Tall or short?: i'd rather be tall, but i'm short. but i like guys i'm with to be taller than me.
194. Law or anarchy?: law
195. MTV or VH1?: MTV
196. 7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek?: Dawson's Creek! awwies!
197. Sugar or salt?: depends
198. Silver or gold?: silver
199. Tongue or belly button ring? depends haha
200. Chocolate or flowers?: both
201. Angels or miracles?: Miracles
202. Color or black-and-white photos?: color
203. Sunrise or sunset?: depends again
204. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms
205. Rap or rock?: rap
206. Stay up late or sleep in?: both
207. TV or radio?: radio
208. Hot or cold?: hot
209. Tall members of the opposite sex or short?: tall
210. Sun or moon?: depends again lol
211. What time is it?: 7:32 pm
212. Diamond or ruby: hmmm??
213. Left or right?: right
214. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: 1 best friend
215. Vanilla or chocolate?: Chocolate
216. Kids or not?: kids
217. Cat or dog?: a cute little puppy
218. Half-empty or half-full?: thas confusing, im to blonde to answer that one haha
219. Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
220. Newspaper or magazine?: magazine
221. Spring or fall?: both
222. Give or receive?: both
223. Rain or snow?: rain
224. Lace or satin?: satin
225. A year of great sex or a lifetime of friendship?: lifetime of friendship
226. Happy or sad?: happy
227. Corduroy or plaid?: depends
228. Wonder or amazement?: amazement
229. Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers in winter, sandals in summer
230. McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds
231. Blondes or brunettes?: depends haha
232. Mexican or Italian food? not sure??
233. Lights on or off?: off =)
234. Duct tape or Scotch tape?: scotch
235. Candy or soda?: both
236. A house in the woods or the city?: not sure really!
237. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
238. Nike or ADIDAS?: both!!
239. What time is it NOW?: 7:38 pm
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