I'm sO tireD... =(

Dec 23, 2003 23:37

Hey hey! Shu, nothing really happened today.. I woke up at 11:00 and watched Dawson's Creek and then went back to sleep for a little while and then got on the net around 2:00 and talked to AJ and then mom came home so I got offline.. Mom and dad ended up going up moms sisters house to get all our Christmas presents, and therefore I was stuck baby-sitting my little brother from 2:30 til about 6:30 lol... He's a brat and a half.. But he actually wasn't mean this evening at all and I don't really know why.. He played playstation all evening so thas prolly it lol...Ohh well even though he is really mean i love him more than anything!!! : ) But I called Jadey today, I hadn't called her in forever lol.. I told her why I was mad at somebody and she told me their story on how Dustin got em lost yesterday goin to JC Mall hahaha!!! I can only imagine lol.. But anyways, I got online and around 9:00 AJ got online so I talked to him for a long long time and well he just got offline cuz he was tired and wanted to go to bed lol..So I think ima check my e-mail and talk to Allen for a minute and then go to bed myself!
Nighty Night
Sweet Dreams
-iM outtiE-
j. wallacE..

*Yet another X-mas Story *

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house,
Everyone felt shity
Even the mouse.

Dad at the wh0re house,
Mom smoking grass,
I had just settled down
for a nice piece of ass

Then out on the lawn
ther arose such a clatter
I sprang from my piece
to see what was the matter

He came down the chimney
like a bat out of hell
I knew right away
the fat fucker fell.

He filled all the stockings
with pretzels and beer
and a big rubber dick
for my brother the queer

He rose up the chimney
with one hell of a fart
that son of a bitch
blew the chimney apart

He swore and cursed
as he flew out of sight
"piss on you all
have a hell of a night"

.*Merry Christmas!*.
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