Nov 04, 2009 01:05
It can't be.
I hope I wake up tomorrow and the rest of the reporting precincts in Maine overthrow this bullshit, but right now Maine is losing their Prop 1 fight. And by losing, I mean it's being voted yes and winning by a stupid slim margin.
It feels like California all over again. Only this time, I didn't do anything, I didn't make any phone calls, and I feel like it's my own damn fault. But really, it's not. How could half of the voting population in a state really hate gay people? What is WRONG with them? And no, I don't think there's a difference between not wanting to extend the same stupid ass rights of a crappy instituation to gay people and hating gay people themselves.
Seriously, if this happens, I want to kick Maine out of the Big E. I love the Big E. Hate has no place.
Come on, the rest of New England is awesome enough to love everyone, why do those shitty people have to suck so much? I'm so not eloquent when I'm angry and I don't care.
It's a time like this where I want to give Richard Blumenthal, our CT attorney general, and give him a thanks for not opening our state's gay marriage up to debate and for realizing a vote would be entirely unconstitutional.
We will eventually win in California, AGAIN, I know we will, but what will happen to Maine?
My heart, so heavy. Those who voted yes on Prop 1, you've shamed New England. New Hampshire and Vermont don't want you touching them and Canada, an entire country that has gay marriage, the largest in the world, sure as fuck doesn't want you touching it either. GTFO. Go hang out with Iceland or someplace else that can maybe knock some sense into your backwards thinking minds, because you clearly don't feel the positive energy over here.