Pictures Make It Better

Oct 03, 2007 19:59

It seems that once I patch up one serious hole in my life, another one pops up. I struck a compromise with my parents and we have postponed the wedding by six months. That is the patch. The hole is this. My mom works for AT&T and they've been moving their programmers to a subsidiary Amdox. I have no idea if that's really how it's spelled. And she's thinking that this impromptu meeting is the management's way of telling them that they're going to be moving. This means that she'll be losing her benefits including the free long distance that is so important. It just... gah!

Anyway, I don't want to think about it until it happens. So, I have pictures. I've finally compiled enough pictures. I've been taking a couple here and there so they're all together now.

It's like a morning glory, but it's white.

I wish this was clear. It would be so great if this was clear. It's a blue heron flying over the water and there's a great reflection. This shot was pure luck I think.

It's a kitty!

Rosy is rose.

So I discovered that my kitty corner neighbors have hummingbird feeders and there are so many of them. So... yeah, lots of pics. They're nowhere near the caliber of my great hummingbird shot, but I'm fascinated with the little buggers.

The CA state flower ^_^

I love these blue flowers that are growing up out of a hedge on campus. I don't think they're supposed to be though. I mean, it's a hedge, then suddenly pretty blue flowers.

These were outside of Borders. They're very bright and sunny, and yet still very Fall.

These are berries growing on the trees around Mikeljohn Hall on campus. I don't know what they are, but if I knew they'd taste good and weren't poisonous, I'd give 'em a whirl.

Ooh! There was this daisy or sunflower just randomly growing out of the ground next to this pole. It was so sunny and pretty, and then today it was gone! Someone picked it! I was so sad.

I took two shots. Dunno which one that I like better.

This is a paper wasp nest. It was in the door of the van. For a while nobody was driving the van, so they were able to make this. Luckily when I found it, there wasn't anything in it.

See? It's in the door.

There are a few of these by the soccer field.

I was taking a picture of these flowers and this little moth landed on them. Strike a pose little moth!

I wanna see these bushes when they're in full bloom, because they're these huge like brush things filled with these little blue flowers.

And these are just fluffy.

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