(no subject)

May 03, 2004 08:04

So many of you commented to my last rant that i am not sure if i will have time to day at work to actualy comment back to each and every one of you so i wanted to make this statement:

i think everyone is kinda not understanding why i was venting that day :) but it is okay. i was actually speaking of a few witnesses who have taken me off their lists i guess because i did not post enough for them and thus they did not feel connected to me. My point was, mainly for my fellow brothers and sisters, that maybe i do not post often, however just having my brothers and sisters attached to me through this journal i felt like we were still a family. I guess i do not make sense with the way i worded it, but that is basicly was i was meaning - that i could not understand fellow brothers and sisters who apparently needed me to be a constant poster in order to keep me on their lists.... i feel like it is a popularity contest here all of a sudden.

i read each and every one of your posts my friends although i do not have the time always to comment to them, and i know many of you are the same way with my posts.

I am not going to be deleting my journal and i actually did not even think of that as any sort of answer, i was simply upset for a moment that others did not feel connected in the same way i was. :) YES I AM STRANGE!!!! as if those of you who know me, either in real life, or through the journal, thought anything to the contrary! :)

Huggs to all of you and i will comment to you guys when i can during today and tomorrow.

~> Lisa
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