May 25, 2010 23:52
In spite of getting enough sleep lately, I slept for three hours on the futon after work today. I remember having this problem while at Revelex, but don't remember what the solution was. Though I suspect the solution also resulted in me gaining 40 lbs while at Revelex. You would think, then, that the current unsolved state would cause me to lose weight. But no. Nothing causes me to lose weight. I'm confident if I lost a leg in a liquid nitrogen accident, it would just grow back fatter.
Work's good, I guess. My boss needs to ask more coherent questions. There's a little bit of Mr. Burns/Don Mattingley in our discussion yesterday:
Crs: How long until it's done?
Jmz: Until what's done?
Crs: ProductName.
Jmz: ProductName 1 or 2? Live or archived? iPad or other devices? Just operational or so that Apple would approve it?
Crs: Why would I want something that Apple wouldn't approve?
Jmz: Sometimes you want something for an internal proof of concept.
(several minutes of bifurcating)
Crs: I'm looking for which steps we need to take to get there.
Jmz: Where? I don't understand which part you're asking for a map to.
(several more minutes)
Crs: I'm just looking for a number. It doesn't need to be accurate.
WTF?!?! 7 is the number, bitches. We will be done in 7. It wouldn't have been so bad except he got steadily more frustrated with my lack of psychic ability, and I don't deal well with people being mad at me. So I got almost nothing done the whole rest of the afternoon. This is the same guy who closed a door in my face so he could scream at my team lead. I hope it doesn't get to the point where I can't do my job, but fortunately, he seems very busy with things that don't involve me.
I'm looking forward to going to San Francisco for WWDC, on the company's dime. Five days of intense education in the most liberal city in North America. That's gotta be fun. But I bet it will be a little bit too liberal for me. I mean, I support needle exchange programs, but I don't think the government should pay for the heroin.
Edit: On second thought, if the government provided the heroin, it would drive the heroin dealers out of business and reduce property crime. Maybe San Francisco will be my speed after all...
Dad: What's going on?
Jmz: Well, I'm going out to San Francisco in a couple weeks.
Dad: What's happening out there? Besides a lot of weenie smoochin'?
...then again, maybe not.