Feb 23, 2010 00:08
I have just gone through some of the sloppiest, least professional, most inconsistent, most horrible code I've ever seen. (It was not written by my new company.) I guess the best way to describe it is if the mayor of Donkeytown was on his way to Clowntown to see the dog show, but got into a train wreck at the sewage plant. It's the worst. Almost all of the comments are commented-out code. The same spacing convention is seldom used more than once. Obvious strings are declared as generic objects. What few genuine comments there are seem designed to convince the reader that the coder knew of the existence of the "factory" design pattern, having studied it in the "Intro to Programming" class he just finished. It's a nightmare. Furthermore, factories are awful. Anyone who writes one should have their nuts stepped on. Oh yeah, I'm judgy.